Rath & Strong's Six Sigma Team Pocket Guide

The companion follow-up to one of the bestselling Six Sigma books ever published An alarming number of Six Sigma projects are failing--not because of misuse of Six Sigma's statistical tools but because of internal politics and poor communication...

Roy Gardner

Games for Business and Economics

An easy-to-read, and enjoyable introduction to game theory! This clearly written book shows readers how to set up and solve games, particularly those in economics and business, using game theory. Gardener's innovative approach helps readers develop...

Benu Schneider

The Road to International Financial Stability: Are Key Financial Standards the Answer? (International Political Economy)

After the crisis in emerging market economies in the mid-late 1990s, the adoption of internationally recognized standards, or codes of good practice, was seen as a way to help strengthen the international financial system. This volume examines...

Andrew J. Nathan, Tianjian Shi, Helena V. S. Ho

China's Transition

With more than one billion people, China represents both an ocean of economic opportunity and a frustrating backwater of continuing brutal political repression. What are the prospects for democratic evolution in a nation with one of the world's...

Kevin McKinley

Make Your Kid a Millionaire: 11 Easy Ways Anyone Can Secure a Childs Financial Future

A STEP-BY-STEP PROGRAM THAT SHOWS PARENTS WHAT TO DO AT EACH STAGE OF A CHILD'S LIFE TO PROVIDE WEALTH FOR THE NEXT GENERATION. If you're like most parents, you know that you should start saving for your children's future but you're just not...

Reiko Suzuki, Are Hajikano, Sayuri Kataoka

Business Kanji

Business Kanji is for students of Japanese with a special interest in business, finance, and economics. Appropriate for self-study or classroom use, it teaches more than 1,700 kanji frequently used in Japanese business and economic newspapers...

Henry Lieberman

Your Wish Is My Command: Programming by Example

As user interface designers, software developers, and yes-as users, we all know the frustration that comes with using "one size fits all" software from off the shelf. Repeating the same commands over and over again, putting up with an...

Icon Health Publications

Aloe: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

R. Shamms Mortier

The Bryce 5 Handbook (Graphic Series)

Populate barren landscapes with far out vegetation; add clouds, sky, fog, or haze to your world; and learn how to animate environments ? these are just some of the creative possibilities you can explore with Bryce 5. Bryce 5 has evolved...

Bill Dyszel

Microsoft Outlook 2000 for Windows for Dummies

Deep space adventurers have control panels on their spaceships, explorers in the Wild West had their faithful guides, and detectives have their little black books. Why? Because every adventurer knows how important it is to have good information....

Эдвард Радзинский


В сборник пьес известного советского драматурга входят следующие произведения: "Снимается кино…", "Беседы с Сократом", "Лунин, или Смерть Жака…", "Театр времен Нерона и Сенеки", "Она в отсутствии любви и смерти", "Окончание Дон Жуана", "Приятная...

<<<  Л. Л. Бурмистрова. Я познаю мир: Архитектура             Кулинарное искусство. Книга включает более 300 рецептов ... >>>

Sally Gardner. The Boy with the Magic М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин. История одного города. Господа Головлевы. Сказки Из рук в руки Работа Edward W. Younkins. Capitalism and Commerce: Conceptual Foundations Бесплатный хостинг Чат РБК Gavin Lambert. The Ivan Moffat File : Life Земельное право. Сборник нормативных документов. Земельное законодательство Яндекс Ханс-Д. Литке, Илонка Кунов. Управление проектами QIP.ру Воздушный извозчик. Михаил Жаров ("Близнецы",
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