Edward J. McMillan

Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations

Adopt procedures that ensure financial accountability, eliminate misunderstandings, and protect the organization?s assets and viability Not-for-profit executives are held accountable for every aspect of their organization, from legal...

Chihiro Hosoya, Shinya Sugiyama, Janet E. Hunter, Ian Hill Nish, Yoichi Kibata

The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600-2000: Volume IV: Economic and Business Relations

Part of a five-volume series on the history of Anglo-Japanese relations, this volume is concerned with the development of business and economic relations between Britain and Japan from the early 17th century up to the year 2000. These essays give...

Richard S. Sloma

Getting It to the Bottom Line: Management by Incremental Gains

A practical approach to management for maximum profitability, it provides a methodical guide to boost operating performance....

Sanjeev Khagram

Dams and Development: Transnational Struggles for Water and Power

Big dams built for irrigation, power, water supply, and other purposes were among the most potent symbols of economic development for much of the twentieth century. Of late they have become a lightning rod for challenges to this vision of...

Catherine Kano Kikoski, John F. Kikoski

The Inquiring Organization : Tacit Knowledge, Conversation, and Knowledge Creation Skills for 21st-Century Organizations

This book provides the context and tools to create knowledge via a proven process of inquiry, questions, and conversation. It introduces the theoretical background to explain why, as well as the practical hands-on skills and processes to demonstrate...

Robert J. Rosania

Presentation Basics

Presentation Basics tackles a subject that often frightens and sometimes incapacitates many otherwise confident people giving a presentation. The book?s simple, step-by-step approach guides readers through the entire process from preparation,...

Roland Rust, Valarie Zeithaml, Katherine Lemon

Driving Customer Equity : How Customer Lifetime Value is Reshaping Corporate Strategy

In their efforts to become more customer-focused, companies everywhere find themselves entangled in outmoded systems, metrics, and strategies rooted in their product-centered view of the world. Now, to ease this shift to a customer focus,...

Robert Hargrove

E-Leader: Reinventing Leadership in a Connected Economy

What every manager needs to know about the new rules of leadership, now that every business is an e-business. Today every business is an e-business, and whether you are selling golf outings over the Internet or manufacturing the carts, there...

Kenneth Alan Grossberg

Japan's Renaissance: The Politics of the Muromachi Bakufu (Cornell East Asia Series, No 108)

An exhaustively-researched account of Japan?s second shogunate regime, and also a comparative analysis of the period?s political economy with other Renaissance systems such as that of France and England. An essential companion for all...

Faisal Hoque

e-Enterprise : Business Models, Architecture, and Components (Breakthroughs in Application Development)

How does a company succeed in the volatile world of e-commerce? The real challenge is to fully leverage the potential of the Internet as a means to building an agile enterprise. In e-Enterprise Faisal Hoque provides a business vision and a...

Ann Fox, Susan Fox, Charlotte Fox Messmer, Nathan W. Vaughn

Saving Money with the Tightwad Twins : More Than 1,000 Practical Tips for Women on a Budget

While other books give advice about money markets and outwitting the stock market, Saving Money with the Tightwad Twins gives advice to the struggling woman on a really, really tight budget. She is the forgotten woman of "little time and...

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Лента Из рук в руки Сергей Есенин. Синь, упавшая в реку Н. С. Павлова. Российская история. 6 класс. Методические Корбина Виртуальные открытки Работа Апорт Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume VI : МСН Benjamin Legrand Sings Michel Legrand. Сольный Абова Т.Е., Андреева Л.В, Аникина Е.Б.. Постатейный И. А. Крылов. Самые смешные басни (аудиокнига CD) Предельный Батай. Проблема предельного жизненного опыта David P. Calleo, Eric R. Staal. Europe's Franco German Engine М. М. Соколов. У меня будет малыш. Мастер-класс Работа
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