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Paul Hawken Oko-Kapitalismus: Die Industrielle Revolution Des 21. Jahrhunderts
In Oko- Kapitalismus, three top strategists show how leading hedge companies are practicing "a new type of industrialism" that is more efficient and profitable, while saving the environment and creating jobs. Paul Hawken and Amory and...
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Bob Milward Globalisation? Internationalisation and Monopoly Capitalism: Historical Processes and Capitalist Dynamism
This book acts as a welcome foil to current thinking on the concept of globalization, which tends to be divided into two distinct camps: one which suggests that the neo-liberal model has triumphed and has no realistic alternative, and another which...
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Ted Baker Doing Well by Doing Good: The Bottom Line on Workplace Practices
In the last decade a growing body of literature has been produced in an effort to better understand the relationship between high performance workplace practices and corporate financial outcomes. This relatively new area of research, which has...
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Alan Weiss Great Consulting Challenges : And How to Surmount Them (Ultimate Consultant Series)
Great Consulting Challenges: And How to Surmount Them shows how consultants can use the wisdom gleaned from Weiss's own practice and from other seasoned members of the profession to help overcome persistent problems and next-level challenges....
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Amarjit Kaur Women Workers in Industrialising Asia : Costed, Not Valued (Studies in the Economies of East and Sou)
Economic globalization, the adoption of export-oriented industrialism strategies and the global restructuring of manufacturing have resulted in the increased participation of women in the manufacturing sector in Asia. This collection, edited...
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Ray Tricker ISO 9001:2000 Audit Procedures
The revised quality management systems ISO 9001:2000 was put in place in December 2000. There is huge international interest in the subject, particularly from companies already certified to ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9004, needing to update their...
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Christina D. Rizzo Uniform Billing: A Guide to Claims Processing
Is a comprehensive learning tool for processing insurance claim forms for inpatient and outpatient services for acute, subacute, long-term care, specialty and clinic facilities using the Uniform Bill 92 or UP-92 (HCFA-1450 form). (inpatient and...
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P. Burke Keegan Fundraising for Nonprofits : How to Build a Community Partnership
A guide that shows nonprofit organizations how to raise funds more effectively by working with their communities....
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Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe Programming PHP
PHP is a simple yet powerful open-source scripting language for creating dynamic web content. The millions of web sites powered by PHP are testament to its popularity and ease of use. PHP is used by both programmers, who appreciate its flexibility...
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Chris Brenton, Cameron Hunt Mastering Network Security
The new edition of the highly-acclaimed and best-selling Mastering Network Security is here, and just in time! The past four significant Internet worm attacks alone have cost companies more than $10 billion in repairs and lost productivity. And as...
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Bernard Chazelle The Discrepancy Method: Randomness and Complexity
The discrepancy method has produced the most fruitful line of attack on a pivotal computer science question: What is the computational power of random bits? It has also played a major role in recent developments in complexity theory. This book tells...
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Gerald W. Pieters, Doyle W. Young. The Ever Changing Organization: Creating
Bob Weinstein. Who Says There Are No Jobs Out There?: 25 Irreverent
Г. И. Хетагуров. Исполнение долга
И. Р. Романцев. Благоустройство земельного участка и
Stephen Robert Goldman. Handbook of Computer and Computerized System
Anna L. Engelhardt. How to Run a Community Recycling Center
Джон Диксон Карр. Убийства в Плейг-Корте
Ирина Филиппова. Брак по группе крови
Брайан Перро. Ключ от Города мертвых
Йошкар-Ола, Благовещенск, Братск, Орёл, Киселёвск, Ноябрьск, Курган, Омск, Кемерово,
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