Paul Fischer

Foreign Direct Investment in Russia: A Strategy for Industrial Recovery

Russia's post-reform crisis can be alleviated; it has the market, the abundant natural resources, and the human skills that foreign investors seek. What Russia needs are policies that enhance and streamline FDI inflows. This book informs about...

Stephen Brown, Anne-Marie Doherty, Bill Clarke

Romancing the Market (Routledge Interpretive Market Research Series)

This book contains essays by an international selection of the most creative contemporary marketing scholars, including Elizabeth Hirschman, Russell Belk, Craig Thompson and Robin Wensley. Illuminating, controversial and cutting edge, this is an...

Norman C. Hill, Kathleen Barcos, Carol Henry

Improving Peer Relationships: Achieving Results Informally (Fifty Minute Series)

This book examines the inherent difficulties of peer relationships in the workplace....

Robin E. McDermott, Raymond J. Mikulak, Michael R. Beauregard

The Basics of FMEA

Failure mode and effect analyses (FMEAs) can actually help prevent failures, defects, and errors, because FMEAs identify special causes of variation before they occur. This is why the automotive industry's QS-9000 standard requires their use. But...

Dick Lee

The Customer Relationship Management Survival Guide

Few books have influenced an entire industry as much as "The Customer Relationship Survival Guide." Survival Guide has pushed the practice of CRM toward business strategy and culture change ? and away from process- and technology-based CRM...

Steven N. Taieb

The Debt Trap: How Your Life Choices Impact on Your Financial Future

The Debt Trap is a road map to help you avoid life?s potential financial pitfalls. It delves into the historical, social, moral and economic reasons why so many Americans are in debt. It is preventative, not curative, in its approach. It...

Robert V. Labaree

The Federal Trade Commission: A Guide to Sources

This annotated bibliography assists the reader in locating information about the United States Federal Trade Commission. The book is divided into four chapters, each reflecting the major functions and regulatory responsibilities of the FTC....

Bill Calkins

Solaris 9 System Administration Training Guide (Exam CX-310-014 and CX-310-015)

Author Bill Calkins is the leading voice of this industry, and he's once again delivered the perfect study companion for UNIX system professionals preparing for the Solaris 9 System Administrator exams (310-014 and 310-015). Readers preparing for...

Deviated Septum - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Refer

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Роман Афанасьев

Источник зла

Земля на грани уничтожения. Вот-вот ее поглотит, как некогда иные миры, Черная Бездна, приближающаяся с катастрофической быстротой. Уже бродят по Земле Черные Призраки, предвестники страшных катаклизмов. Уже пронизывает Землю смертоносное дыхание...

10 знаменитых сказок

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<<<  Станислав Гроф. Холотропное сознание. Три ...             М. Б. Смоленский. Теория государства и права >>>

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