Dawn Cloake

Fashion Design on the Stand

Now designers, students, teachers, and dressmakers alike can remove the mystique of modeling clothes on the stand. There’s an art to this cutting and designing, and it’s all illustrated here....

Marlene Caroselli

Leadership Skills for Managers

Leadership Skills for Managers is an in-depth exploration of the abilities and qualities of a leader (as opposed to just a manager). Leadership attributes such as problem-solving, team-building, and communication are analyzed. Tools, techniques, and...

Newnes Electrical Pocket Book, Twenty-third Edition (NEWNES POCKET BOOKS)

Newnes Electrical Pocket Book is the ideal daily reference source for electrical engineers, electricians and students. First published in 1932 this classic has been fully updated in line with the latest technical developments, regulations and...

F. M. Scherer

Competition Policy, Domestic and International (Economists of the Twentieth Century)

For three decades F.M. Scherer has been writing on questions of competition policy from multiple perspectives as a professional economist, consultant in numerous antitrust and international trade proceedings, and (for two years) chief economist of...

Congressional Research Service

A Reference Guide to Banking and Finance

A Reference Guide to Banking and Finance covers the areas of consumer credit; domestic monetary policy; economic stabilization; financial institutions? supervision, regulation, and insurance; general oversight and renegotiations; housing and...

Stephen Blake Mettee

The Fast Track Course on How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal

The hard, cold fact about getting a book published is that without something close to divine intervention an author is going to have to write a sales piece, called a book proposal, that will attract the attention of an editor or an agent. In fact,...

Lawrence G. Friedman

Go To Market Strategy: Advanced Techniques and Tools for Selling More Products to More Customers More Profitably

In this path-breaking new book, best-selling author and leading go-to-market strategist Larry Friedman provides a practical and battle-tested approach for taking products, services, divisions, or even an entire company to market! Drawing on...

David Seal

ARM Architecture Reference Manual

Produced by the architects that are actively working on the ARM specification, this book contains detailed information about all versions of the ARM and ThumbTM instruction sets, the memory management and cache functions, and optimized code...

John R. Levine, Ray Everett-Church, Gregg Stebben, David Lawrence

Internet Privacy for Dummies

Privacy issues come to the news every day. From big time break-ins to corporate and government computers to small time violations of e-mail or credit, there are real privacy concerns in this technology age. No worries! This book will...

Louis Gary Lamit

Pro/ENGINEER« 2000i? Includes Pro/NC and Pro/SHEETMETAL

This clear and easy-to-follow guide program is the essential introduction to the Pro/Engineer software program. Lamit's book patiently teaches students how to use Pro/Engineer in computer-aided design by focusing on the basic concepts of modeling...

Scott Gregory

Buying a Computer - Made Easy!

Buying a Computer - Made Easy! - a must read for anyone who is thinking about buying a new computer. If you're like many folks, the thought of buying a computer can seem intimidating. So many buzz words. So much confusion about what to get that...

<<<  Наташа Колесникова. Тайна дамы в "мерседесе"             М. Б. Смоленский. Теория государства и права >>>

М. О. Сурина. Цвет и символ в искусстве, дизайне и архитектуре МСН Кен Калфус. Наркомат Просветления Рефераты Почта Под редакцией Н. Ш. Кремера. Исследование операций в экономике В.И.Яскевич. Секьюрити: Организационные основы безопасности Бесплатный хостинг The Sims 2: Бизнес (DVD) (DVD-BOX). Делаем деньги! Строить и развивать Почта Яхо Погода Гете. Гете. Собрание сочинений в десяти томах. SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI. DONI:L'ELISIR D'A. Исполнитель: SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI А. Б. Мартиросян. Сталин после войны. 1945-1953 годы Ливе Гороскопы Счетчик
Ульяновск, Владивосток, Москва, Тюмень, Тольятти, Артём, Елец, Бийск, Иркутск, Батайск, Рязань, Ульяновск, Армавир, Нижнекамск, Москва, Люберцы, Красноярск, Якутск, Новошахтинск, Ухта, Оренбург, Невинномысск, Энгельс, Каменск-Уральский, Железнодорожный, Королёв,
Экранизации фантастической литературы| История экономики| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Мозаика. Смальта| Фильмы о террористах| История и теория литературы| Мелодрамы| Этнография (этнология, народоведение)| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Фольклор| Романтические комедии| Персоналия| Военные и армейские боевики| Прижизненные издания| На французском языке| Экранизации остросюжетной литературы| Промышленность| Компьютер в бизнесе| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| Предпринимательство| Русский язык| Полнометражные зарубежные мультфильмы| Распознавание и синтез речи| Экранизации остросюжетной литературы| Основы предпринимательства| Исторические и военные боевики| Экзотические приключения| Кинофантазии| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения|
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