George Soros, Paul A. Volcker

The Alchemy of Finance

Critical Praise forThe Alchemy of Finance "The Alchemy of Finance joins Reminiscences of a Stock Operator as a timeless instructional guide of the marketplace." ??Paul Tudor Jones From the Foreword to the First Edition...

Irwin T. Vanderhoof, Edward I. Altman

The Fair Value of Insurance Business (New York University Salomon Center Series on Financial Marke)

Insurance companies, as well as banks and thrift institutions, have traditionally reported assets and liabilities on the basis of their amortized cost, or book value. But following the turmoil in securities markets due to highly volatile interest...

J. Donald Walters

Money Magnetism : How To Attract What You Need When You Need It

Attract what you need, when you need it, with this guide to attracting abundance for the highest good. Includes exercises and visualizations....

Ryszard Cholewinski

Migrant Workers in International Human Rights Law: Their Protection in Countries of Employment

Migrant workers and their families outnumber refugees and displaced persons, but are given far less attention when it comes to the international protection of their rights. Indeed, to be an economic migrant today carries with it a stigma in a word...

Frank L. Acuff

How to Negotiate Anything With Anyone, Anywhere Around the World

This popular book has now been fully updated to reflect current geopolitical developments throughout the world. It also includes more country profiles -- over 50 in all -- that will truly be useful to anyone, anywhere....

Juan Mora-Torres

The Making of the Mexican Border : The State, Capitalism, and Society in Nuevo Len, 1848-1910

"This book is an important breakthrough. . . . It demonstrates how a regional economic elite emerged in an underdeveloped country and developed strategies that enabled it to interact with U.S. capitalists on its own terms. In doing this, the author...

John Kao

Jamming : Art and Discipline of Corporate Creativity, The

In today's competitive environment, creativity is no longer an option. Companies that understand how to manage creativity in their people, organize for creative results and willingly implement good new ideas will triumph. In Jamming, ...

Clifford Christians, Michael Traber

Communication Ethics and Universal Values

This volume is designed to revolutionize the field of communication by identifying a broad ethical theory which transcends the world of mass media practice to reveal a more humane and responsible code of values. The contributors,...

Employers Publications, Employers Publications

Employers Reasonable Care Pack: Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace

The Employers Reasonable Care Pack consists of four components. Firstly, Sexual Conduct in the Workplace: an employees workbook is a 24 page workbook for all employees. The workbook is designed to educate employees about sexual harassment, as...

Robert K. Critchley

Rewired, Rehired, or Retired? A Global Guide for the Experienced Worker

Rewired, Rehired, or Retired? will inspire you to take a hard and sometimes confronting look at your life, while giving you actual tools and guidance to achieve a rewarding and satisfying future. You may find that You really do...

Art Dethomas, Vickie Reierson

Financing Your Small Business: Techniques for Planning, Acquiring & Managing Debt (Psi Successful Business Library)

Ever need extra dollars to get your company through the month, finance a new project, or purchase equipment? At some point, most businesses will need the extra funds to finance such business opportunities and obligations. The crucial question is:...

<<<  Н. В. Загладин. Всемирная история. XX век. Учебник для 11 класса             М. Б. Смоленский. Теория государства и права >>>

Рефераты Погода Фридрих Незнанский. По живому следу QIP.ру Max H. Kirsch, Max Kirsch. In the Wake of the Giant: Multinational Работа Hideshi Hino. Lullabies From Hell Bernard Roy, Eric Jacquet-Lagreze, Patrice Perny, Roman Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий. Отягощенные Погода Марти Мэттьюз, Джон Кронан, Эрик Пулсен. Microsoft Поиск людей Robert A. Strong. Practical Investment Management Гогле И. С. Тургенев. Ася. Первая любовь О компьютерах Поиск людей Все о Линукс Каталог софта В. И. Савин, Д. Л. Щур. Кадры торговли. Сборник должностных и Н. Б. Истомина, Е. П. Виноградова. Математика. Учимся решать
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