Елена Федотова

Франсуа Буше

Франсуа Буше (1703 - 1770) был подлинным законодателем всех видов искусства Франции в середине XVIII столетия. Его искусство олицетворяло стиль рококо - "королевский стиль", возникший во Франции в годы правления Людовика XV (1715-1774)....

Robert A. Frisch

ESOP Workbook: The Ultimate Instrument in Succession Planning

Forms, checklists, and step-by-step instructions for choosing and implementing an ESOP Financial officers need to know how to compare an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) with other comparable plans and how to effectively present an ESOP...

Murrell G. Shields, Murrell G. Shields

E-Business and ERP: Rapid Implementation and Project Planning

Strategies for Cost-Effective E-Business ERP Implementation?in the Shortened Time Horizons of the Internet Age The need for seamless Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and e-business implementation is nothing new. What is new is the...

Mike Daisey

21 Dog Years : A Cube Dweller's Tale

In 1998, when Amazon.com began to recruit employees, they gave temp agencies a simple directive: send us your freaks. Mike Daisey -- slacker, onetime aesthetics major -- fit the bill. His subsequent ascension, over the course of twenty-one dog...

Coaches Collaborative, Coach's Collaborative

Living an Extraordinary Life

An extraordinary life is refreshingly different. It is one that you control, not one that controls you. It is a brilliant life overflowing with incomparable experiences that enhance your goals, giving you fiery dream-power, unsurpassed vitality and...

Tarin Frances

Magical Quest : Six Steps to Career Success

A practical and spiritual, step-by-step guide motivating readers to discover thier career path. The book helps readers recognize their potential, provides five original assessments for revealing talents, 300 careeers that fit personality, and dozens...

Anthony Payne, Paul K. Sutton

Charting Caribbean Development (Published in Cooperation With Macmillan Caribbean, Ltd)

This book offers an urgent commentary on the experience of Caribbean development in the postcolonial era, a critical discussion of the current crisis of globalization in the region. Specifically, it examines the different national models of...

Robert J. Aumannn, Sergiu Hart

Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications Volume 3

Hardbound. This is the third and last volume of the Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications. Since the publication of multi-Volume 1 a decade ago, game theory has continued to develop at a furious pace, and today it is the dominant tool...

Robert J. Shiller

Macro Markets: Creating Institutions for Managing Society's Largest Economic Risks (Clarendon Lectures in Economics S.)

Arguing that we have largely inadequate financial markets, dealing with relatively small risks, Robert Shiller makes a unique set of proposals for marketizing the biggest economic risks faced by society today, risks that really matter to most...

Bob & Carlson, Sally Anderson

Stretching for Working America

This book was written for the worker- to relieve stress, prevent injury and promote fitness at work and in everyday living. It contains selected stretches by Bob Anderson and edited text by Sally Carlson, disability cost management specialist. A...

Leading for a Change : How to Master the 5 Challenges Faced by Every Leader

Bringing together the best practices of many of the most highly respected organizational thinkers shaping the future landscape of business, Leading for a Change finally answers the question of how to make leadership success a reality. ...

<<<  Юрий Рюриков. Яд и мед семьи. Мед и яд любви (комплект из 2 ...             М. Б. Смоленский. Теория государства и права >>>

О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова. Контрольные Почта Ливе Рейтинг Ливе ДМОЗ Алис Миллер. Вначале было воспитание Поиск майл.ру Дмитрий Верхотуров. Экономическая революция Прядко К.А.. Понятия и определения: Экология: Словарик школьника Umaturman. Live в городе "N". Концерт в МХАТе им. Горького: 01. Стрела 02. Чат Вики Норберт Шнейдер. Ян Вермер Бесплатные объявления Андре Каспи. Повседневная жизнь Соединенных Штатов в эпоху George A. Anastassiou. Handbook of Numerical
Октябрьский, Люберцы, Электросталь, Сыктывкар, Березники, Сызрань, Новошахтинск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Щёлково, Сызрань, Самара, НижнийНовгород, Чита, Якутск, Канск, Канск, Рубцовск, Уссурийск, Благовещенск, Орехово-Зуево, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Ковров, Петрозаводск, Муром, Сыктывкар, Таганрог,
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