Janet Evanovich

Three To Get Deadly

As readers of Janet Evanovich's two previous books about funny, feisty, family-tied bounty hunter Stephanie Plum already know, she operates in "the burg" - a "comfy residential chunk of Trenton, New Jersey, where houses and minds are proud to be...

М. В. Ларионова, О. Б. Чибисова

Практический курс испанского языка (продвинутый этап обучения) / Espanol: curso practico de lexico, gramatica y conversacion (nivel avanzado)

Настоящий учебник ориентирован на продвинутый этап обучения испанскому языку и предназначен для университетов и высших учебных заведений, готовящих бакалавров, специалистов и магистров со знанием испанского языка. Учебник также может быть...

Л. М. Шведова

Развитие логического мышления и интеллекта

Развивающая игра - прогрессивный метод обучения, который широко применяется современными педагогами. Пользуясь игровыми приемами, взрослому удается легко установить эмоциональный контакт с ребенком, реализовать учебные и воспитательные задачи. ...

Sheila H. Akabas

Work and the Workplace : A Resource for Innovative Policy and Practice (Foundations of Social Work Knowledge Series)

Book Description Work and the Workplace explores the innovative ways in which management, labor organizations, government, and social workers can better respond to the needs of workers, their families, and communities. The authors'...

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: 2002 (Manuals from the Fao Training)

Book DescriptionThe State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture provides a comprehensive overview of the world?s fisheries and aquaculture. During the past two years, the international fisheries community has accomplished many important...

Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy: Issues for a Reforming Economy

Book DescriptionThis collection of papers explores analytical issues on macroeconomic policy, banking, international finance, monetary policy and the financial sector....

Paul Batchelor

Surviving a Corporate Crisis : 100 Things You Need to Know (Thorogood Professional Insights)

Book DescriptionProfessionals are guided through the various stages of setting up a viable corporate crisis response and are provided with a series of key questions that every chief executive officer or managing director should ask and every...

T. J. Walker

1001 Ways to Wow the Media and Speaking Audiences

Book DescriptionONLY FIVE MINUTES BEFORE YOUR MEDIA INTERVIEW!?! No problem. This easy to navigate and detailed presentation training manual is composed of 20 different topics covering specific tips for any kind of interview. Including everything...

Dr. Tom DePaoli

Common Sense Purchasing: Hard Knock Lessons Learned From a Purchasing Pro

Book DescriptionCommon Sense Purchasing is a no holds barred practical guide to purchasing and negotiations success. If you don't like consultants, buzzwords and theory this book is for you. Straight forward and to the point you will not be able to...

The Art and Films of Lynn Hershman Leeson : Secret Agents, Private I

Book DescriptionLynn Hershman Leeson's groundbreaking installation, performance, photography, video, digital, and film works have earned her an international reputation as a prodigious and innovative artist. This first historical and critical...

Matt Stewart

The Other Office: Creative Workplace Design

Book DescriptionThe world of work refuses to stand still: new technologies have a huge impact on office design and now that a great many employees have the freedom to do their work anywhere - on the road, at home, with clients - the general role of...

<<<  Bjorn Granstrom, David House, Inger Karlsson. Multimodality in Language ...             В. А. Канке. Современная этика >>>

Рейтинг Larry Wright, Patricia Wright. Great Lakes Lighthouses Encyclopedia Гогле Статистика Новости QIP.ру О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова. 3000 примеров по математике (Счет в пределах Из рук в руки Гогле Каталог софта Почта Статистика Чат Edward W. Younkins. Capitalism and Commerce: Conceptual Foundations
Камышин, Орёл, Волжский, Курган, Обнинск, ВеликийНовгород, Миасс, Кисловодск, Челябинск, Иркутск, Белгород, Нижневартовск, Йошкар-Ола, Черкесск, Благовещенск, Кызыл, Одинцово, Челябинск, Люберцы, Ярославль, Саранск, Киров, Междуреченск, Иваново, Березники, Томск, Якутск, Новороссийск, Белгород,
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