Вехи. Сборник статей о русской интеллигенции

Издание 1990 года. Сохранность хорошая. Репринтное воспроизведение 1909 года. "Вехи" - "Сборник статей о русской интеллигенции", выпущен группой российских религиозных философов и публицистов (Н. А. Бердяев, С. Н. Булгаков, П. Б. Струве, С....

Wayne R. Thirsk

Tax Reform in Developing Countries (World Bank Regional and Sectoral Studies)

Tax Reform in Developing Countries carefully examines the experience of eight developing countries that have undergone -- and in some instances are still undergoing -- significant and comprehensive tax reform. The countries are Bolivia, Colombia,...

Graeme K. Deans, Fritz Kroeger

Stretch! : How Great Companies Grow In Good Times and Bad

Praise for Stretch! "Stretch! is an important book. It talks about growth as the lever to profits. Filled with sound, practical advice, it takes the mystery out of how to achieve extraordinary growth. Whether you are a production manager,...

Michael Phillips

The Seven Laws of Money (Shambhala Pocket Classics)

The Seven Laws of Money tells how to live with money: how to get it, care for it, and forget about it. An underground classic among corporate executives, accountants, and entrepreneurs since the 1970s, it is rooted in the author's commitment to...

Harry E. Chambers

Effective Communication Skills for Scientific and Technical Professionals

For technical professionals in all fields, a practical guide to enhancing communication, interpersonal, and managerial skills Flatter, more collaborative organizational structures, combined with the pressure to translate innovative ideas into...

Mary Masi


This Career Starter is essential reading for those interested in launching a successful career in the culinary arts. Everything you need to know is provided under one cover: where to get the schooling/training you need, how to finance your...

Deborah P. Bloch, Lee J. Richmond

SoulWork: Finding the Work You Love, Loving the Work You Have

SoulWork, written by two career development experts in response to this pressing need, is a spiritual yet practical guide to finding fulfilling work....

Joseph L. McCauley

Dynamics of Markets: Econophysics and Finance

Standard texts and research in economics and finance ignore the absence of evidence from the analysis of real, unmassaged market data to support the notion of Adam Smith's stabilizing Invisible Hand. In stark contrast, this text introduces a new...

Frank Riedl

Stop Managing and Start Leading

Stop Managing And Start Leading answers the following questions: "Why do employees not feel empowered, despite efforts by companies to instill this philosophy?" "What is the leading cause of employees not feeling empowered and how can this...

Ben Forta, Nate Weiss

Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX Application Development, Third Edition

Macromedia ColdFusion MX didn't just get a paint job, it got a complete system overhaul. If you're looking for a book to help you get up-to-speed on...

Microsoft Press, Microsoft Press

Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of the award-winning MICROSOFT COMPUTER DICTIONARY now features more than 10,000 entries! It's been fully updated and expanded to cover the latest technologies and terminology you will encounter at work or home-from encryption to...

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