Роджер Желязны

Кладбище слонов

Роджер Желязны - самый парадоксальный писатель-фантаст XX века. Каждое его произведение напоминает запечатанный конверт: никогда не угадаешь, что окажется внутри. Его герои многогранны и многолики, причем некоторые - отнюдь не в переносном смысле....

Владимир Солоухин

Не прячьтесь от дождя

Творчество Владимира Алексеевича Солоухина (1924-1997) - неотъемлемая часть души нескольких поколений читателей России. Бунинская прозрачность и тургеневская открытость прозы, ее ощутимый теплый мир родины с запахом вербной пыльцы и хрустом снега...

Lawrence A. Cunningham

How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett

Using the ways of the best moneymakers to invest wisely "An intelligent and thoughtful guide." ­­ BusinessWeek ". . . a welcome addition to the bookshelf of anyone who wants to take control of his or...

Stephen Valdez

Introduction to Global Financial Markets : Fourth Edition

An Introduction to Global Financial Markets describes the various financial sectors in clear and easy-to-understand terms. The book reflects the fact that the world is moving toward a single global market and provides a broad and...

Paul Blumberg

The Predatory Society: Deception in the American Marketplace

Who knows more about a business's shady practices than the people who work there? In this pioneering study, Paul Blumberg examines a wide variety of evidence, including over 600 accounts written by workers who disclose in elaborate detail the...

Mark Timmons

Conduct and Character: Readings in Moral Theory

This concise anthology of 31 readings on the philosophical theories of morality is organized according to type of moral theory (utilitarianism, egoism, virtue ethics, the ethics of care, etc.) and contains a separate chapter devoted to each type....

Kevin Keasey, Robert Hudson, Kevin Littler

The Intelligent Guide to Stock Market Investment

?The Intelligent Guide to Stock Market Investment is a welcome initiative to help explain the stock market and the important role it can play in people?s long term investment plans. This book is particularly valuable at a time when...

Richard S. Sloma

No-Nonsense Planning

This effective book emphasizes the importance of timely and practical planning as a tool for making money and never as an end in itself....

Wendy Leebov

Customer Service for Professionals in Health Care

This short book helps healthcare employees to develop a strong customer orientation toward patients, physicians, coworkers and other customers. It identifies key behaviors that reflect a customer orientation in typical healthcare interactions and...

Steve Yastrow

Brand Harmony: Achieving Dynamic Results by Orchestrating Your Customer's Total Experience

"Your brand is not what you say you are...Your brand is what your customers think you are." Any company could perform better if it followed the principles of Brand Harmony, but those who actually succeed at Brand Harmony are those who are...

Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt

Foundations of Financial Management, 10th Edition: Self-Study Software CD-ROM + Powerweb + FREE SG

Overview: Foundations of Financial Management is a proven and successful text recognized for its excellent writing style and step-by-step explanations to make the content relevant and easy to understand. The text's approach focuses on the "nuts and...

<<<  Дуг Дюбоск. Как рисовать животных степей и саванн             В. А. Канке. Современная этика >>>

Рефераты Эдвард Вилга. Йога для менеджеров (на спирали) REIM. UNVERWUNDBAR. Исполнитель: REIM Альбом: UNVERWUNDBAR Производитель: Постельное белье "Цветение-1" (дуэт семейный, бязь). Постельное Полевые цветы. Клеа ДюВаль ("Призраки Марса"), Дэрил А. Н. Майков. А. Н. Майков. Полное собрание сочинений в трех томах Российская газета Вики Лист Kathryn Lasky. Shattering (Guardians of Ga'hoole, Book 5) Edward, H. Betof. Just Promoted!: How to Survive and И. И. Лажечников. Ледяной дом Статистика Сонные песенки. Колыбельные песни и караоке. Ночь расскажет нам сказку; Плюшевая А. Гладкий. Обман в автосервисе. Что нужно знать автомобилисту, Виртуальные открытки Вики Новинки сезона от "Русского шансона" (mp3). BOWIE, DAVID. ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS. Исполнитель: Olivier D' Herbemont, Bruno Cesar, Tom
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