Harvey J. Platt

Your Will & Estate Plan: How to Protect Your Estate and Your Loved Ones

For anyone concerned about the financial security of their loved ones, here?s everything you need to know about avoiding costly probate and establishing an efficient will and estate plan! Easy to understand and filled with dozens of real-life...

Barbara Weltman

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting a Home-Based Business (2nd Edition)

The ultimate dream of many people is to work at home and still be actively involved in a growing business. Now that dream can be a reality. This new guide shows how to set up, run, and grow a home-based business. Included are explanations of laws...

Holly Johnson, Southwestern

Quick Skills: Organizing For Success

This skill-focused book is designed for quick professional skill development in the area of organization and productivity. Covering topics such as obstacles to organization, project management and managing multiple priorities, Organizing for...

Kristin J. Arnold

Team Energizers: Fifty Practical Team Activities

Whether you are a team leader, facilitator, consultant or team member, you'll have no problem finding the perfect team activity to suit your situation. Choose from 50 activities specifically designed to energize your team, anytime and any place....

Victoria J. Mabin

The World of the Theory of Constraints: A Review of the International Literature

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) - as developed by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt - has seen a rapid expansion since the publication of his book, The Goal. As with most fast growing areas, you can quickly feel out of touch with new developments. The World of...

Herb Weinberger

Residential Oil Burners

Residential Oil Burners, 2E provides those training for careers as residential oil burner technicians with current information on the combustion process, oil burners, heating systems, as well as electrical systems and equipment. This new edition...

Ilde Rizzo, Iide Rizzo, Ruth Towse

The Economics of Heritage: A Study in the Political Economy of Culture in Sicily

?So much economics is written for its club members that it is refreshing to come across a book of essays which is accessible in large measure to those with a working knowledge of economic issues. It is much more than that because it makes a...

Forecasting in Business and Economics

This thoroughly revised second edition of an upper-level undergraduate/graduate text describes many major techniques of forecasting used in economics and business. This is the only time series book to concentrate onthe forecasting of economic data...

Richard B. Hall

Financing Public Library Buildings (How-To-Do-It Manuals for Librarians)

Financial difficulties are a common plague of library facility projects--large or small. Financing Public Library Buildings is the first comprehensive treatment of this critical subject. Hall brings nearly twenty years of experience overseeing...

Aron S. Gurwitz

Managing a Family-Fixed Income Portfolio

As the Dow continues its bumpy ride, many investors are looking for safe investments that will let them sleep at night. Fixed income portfolios can help investors meet their investment goals and avoid the turbulence of today?s markets. Managing...

Stephen Cobb

Privacy for Business: Web Sites and Email

In Brief A comprehensive primer for businesses dealing with privacy issues, designed to offer a solid foundation in privacy for executives, managers, webmasters, system administrators, and all employees who handle personally identifiable...

<<<  Карл фон Клаузевиц. О войне. Том I             В. А. Канке. Современная этика >>>

Военная энциклопедiя. В 18 томах. Том 11. Энциклопедия представляет Steve Elsworth, Jim Rose. Go! Students` Book 1 Работа ЖЖ Гороскопы В. А. Маслова. Лингвокультурология Почта Transforming Socialist Economies : Lessons Шимон Датнер. Преступления немецко-фашистского вермахта в отношении военнопленных М. Л. Краснов, А. И. Киселев, Г. И. Макаренко, Е. В. Шикин, Лесли Форбс. Рыба, кровь, кости Гого М. П. Шерстнев. Кто правит нами: психология управленцев Нигма Топ Одноклассники Kevin J. Clancy. Marketing Myths That Are Killing Business: The Cure for
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