Ф. Ф. Эрисман

Краткий учебник по гигиене

Прижизненное издание. Издание А. А. Карцева, Мсква, 1903 год, в Типо-Литографии Г. И. Простакова. Второе, дополненное издание, с 63 политипажами. Типографский ледериновый переплет, кожаный корешок. Сохранность раритета хорошая. ...

Harold F. Tipton, Micki Krause

Information Security Management Handbook, Fourth Edition, Volume II

The runaway growth of computer viruses and worms and the ongoing nuisance posed by malicious hackers and employees who exploit the security vulnerabilities of open network protocols make the tightness of an organization's security system an issue of...

Cay Horstmann

Computing Concepts with C++ Essentials, 3rd Edition

* Teaches the principles of programming to those who are just beginning in the field of computer science * Horstmann highlights common mistakes throughout, realizing that one of the toughest points to teach is how to avoid mistakes * New...

Amy E. Arntson

Graphic Design Basics, Revised Printing (with InfoTrac)

A market-leading text, GRAPHIC DESIGN BASICS continues to showcase some of the best work from all areas of design. The text combines history, current technology, and design principles to give a rich, well-rounded view of this ever-evolving field....

D. Salomon, David Salomon

A Guide to Data Compression Methods

Many faces of modern computing - from archiving data to coding theory to image processing - rely heavily on data compression. This new and practical guide explains the process of compressing all types of computer data, as well as the use of...

Huan Liu, Hiroshi Motoda

Instance Selection and Construction for Data Mining (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 608)

The ability to analyze and understand massive data sets lags far behind the ability to gather and store the data. To meet this challenge, knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) is growing rapidly as an emerging field. However, no matter how...

William C. Amo

Transact-SQL (IDG Professional Programming)

Take complete command of Microsoft SQL Server 7 with the latest version of Transact-SQL query language - from constructing powerful Transact-SQL queries to interacting with SQL tables and records through the DB-Library, the ODBC API, and the new...

Albuterol - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Jae K. Shim, Anique A. Qureshi, Joel G. Siegel, Roberta M. Siegel

The International Handbook of Electronic Commerce

This practical, how-to book covers all aspects of e-commerce! It gives readers extensive examples, tools, techniques, checklists, exhibits, illustrations, and instructions to help them establish an e-commerce site for their company. Topics include:...

R. Rada, Roy Rada

Reengineering Software: How to Reuse Programming to Build New, State-of-the-Art Software

Software development is much cheaper and faster when existing programming can be incorporated into the new design. But without a practical, step-by-step guide to this under-appreciated and under-utilized skill, knowing what to use and how to use it...

Сирил Норткот Паркинсон

Законы Паркинсона

Книга представляет собой сборник произведений всемирно известного писателя-сатирика Сирила Норткота Паркинсона, в которых с истинно английским юмором и сдержанной иронией подвергаются чуть ли не анатомическому исследованию и безудержному осмеянию...

<<<  Grace Bulger. The Enlightened Entrepreneur: A Spiritual Approach ...             В. А. Канке. Современная этика >>>

Сирил Н. Паркинсон. Законы Паркинсона Все произведения школьной программы в кратком Татьяна Голубева. Поблекший лазурит Яндекс Джонатан Страуд. Последняя осада РБК Работа Яндекс Конференция iXBT.com
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