Богатые тоже плачут. В двух томах. Том 1

В основу киноромана "Богатые тоже плачут" положен одноименный телесериал, почти год привлекавший внимание многомиллионной аудитории. Это история современной Золушки. Героиня романа Марианна Вильяреаль превращается из полуграмотной деревенской...

The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500-1989

Book DescriptionThis volume analyzes the markets, societies, technology and colonial cultures involved in the coffee economy.Download DescriptionCoffee beans grown in Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, or one of the other hundred producing lands on five...

Ken Kaser

Sports and Entertainment Management

Book Description Sports and Entertainment Management serves as a one-semester course for marketing and business management students. Using topics in the sports and entertainment industries, the text and multimedia supplements cover the basic...

Brian Boniface

Worldwide Destinations Casebook : The geography of travel and tourism

Book Description Worldwide Destinations: the geography of travel and tourism casebook provides over 40 comprehensive case studies of international tourism destinations. A companion text to the core textbook Worldwide Destinations 4th edition,...

Marty Noble

Cupids, Cherubs and Nymphs (Dover Design Library)

Book Description Craftworkers and commercial artists will enjoy adding a touch of angelic charm to their projects with the heavenly beauties portrayed in this versatile, permission-free collection. Endearing illustrations reveal airborne cherubs...

Nancy Mowll Mathews

Moving Pictures: American Art and Early Film 1880-1910

Book DescriptionExplores the complex relationship between American art and the new medium of film....

S. P. Perone

Crisis on Flight 101

Book DescriptionUpon inadvertently discovering telepathic time travel, the rogue leader of a secret society of scientists threatens to re-write American history and virtually flip the world upside down with one cataclysmic stroke! When...

Gene Waddell

Charleston Architecture: 1670-1860

Book DescriptionThis book is about how a consistently high standard of excellence was achieved in Charleston architecture in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Regardless of what style Charleston's architects used-Greek or Roman, Gothic or...

Karen L. Smith

Massage: The Healing Power of Touch

Book DescriptionPacked with inspirational advice in bith the practicalities of fragrant massage, and all aspects kof setting, mood, and mental relaxation, this book invites you to share relaxation and enjoyment....

Mel Brooks

The 2000 Year Old Man Goes to School

Book Description About four days ago, a plane landed in America with a man who claimed to be 2000 years old. Today, that man is visiting a school just like yours to tell the children of the world what it's like to be 2000 years old. Here...

David Monod

Settling Scores : German Music, Denazification, and the Americans, 1945-1953

Book DescriptionClassical music was central to German national identity in the early twentieth century. The preeminence of composers such as Bach and Beethoven and artists such as conductor Wilhelm Furtwangler and pianist Walter Gieseking was...

<<<  Brain - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research ...             История Европы. Том 1. Древняя Европа. ... >>>

Работа Тайны живой природы. Очередная книга из серии "Антология Работа Работа Ответы А. А. Краснов. Автомобили мира О компьютерах Jennifer L. Fleissner. Women, Compulsion, Modernity : The Moment of American Виртуальные открытки Народ.ру Поиск мета Китайские пинхуа. В 1901 году китайский коллекционер Цао Юаньчжун нашел в одной С. Г. Герман-Галкин. Линейные электрические цепи. Лабораторные работы Путешествия Stokes, Albert H. Stokes. You Can Get a Сергей Магид. Зона служенья Joann Zocchi. How To Take Perfect Scrapbook Компьютерные новости И. А. Квасников. Термодинамика и статистическая физика. Том 1. Теория равновесных Все о Линукс Православие, армия и флот России. Судьба русского воинства
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