Kevin Gallagher, Jacob Werksman, Earthscan

The Earthscan Reader on International Trade and Sustainable Development

In an era of globalization, international trade is a fact of life. The increasing conflicts surrounding negotiations on trade liberalization -- from the WTO debacle at Seattle in 1999 to the explosive events surrounding the meeting of the GB in...

Satyajit Das

Swaps and Financial Derivatives : Products, Pricing, Applications and Risk Management (Wiley Finance)

Volume 1 consists of 4 Parts divided into 16 Chapters covering the role and function of derivatives, basic derivative instruments [exchange traded products (futures and options on futures contracts) and over-the-counter products(forwards, options...

Jack D. Schwager

Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America's Top Stock Traders

Stock Market Wizards looks at 15 of the men and women who have beaten the US indexes year in, year out - and tries to uncover their secrets. In a world of tracker funds, computer-generated buying decisions, and roller-coaster stock prices,...

Dave Anderson

Up Your Business! 7 Steps to Fix, Build, or Stretch Your Organization

Dave Anderson is a syndicated peak performance columnist, radio show host, top-earning trainer, and one of today's most sought-after motivational business speakers. A modern-day Horatio Alger, Anderson started out selling insurance, door-to-door,...

Peter E. Gaudio, Virginia S. Nicols

Your Retirement Benefits (ICFP Personal Wealth Building Guides)

The ICFP Personal Wealth Building Guides offer proven strategies and invaluable information for putting together the many pieces of a financial plan and reaching personal, long-term financial goals. Highly readable and interactive, these guides will...

Dennis J. McKenzie, Richard M. Betts

Essentials of Real Estate Economics

Presented in a direct, practical manner, this text focuses on the factors that cause real estate values to change. It is ideal for students with no formal math or economics background. Applications to the real estate market are non-quantitative....

Marian Faux

Successful Freelancing: The Complete Guide to Establishing and Running Any Kind of Freelance Business

Freelancing is one of the fastest-growing job trends of the nineties, but starting up a freelance business involves more than just hanging out a shingle. In this user-friendly, up-to-the-minute guide, veteran freelancer Marian Faux explains...

Джером Черан

Нью-Йорк. История безумного города

Город мечты - Нью-Йорк совмещает в себе все загадки и противоречия Нового мира. После Второй мировой войны Нью-Йорк стал столицей XX века, городом, который сохраняет старую европейскую культуру и одновременно создает более экстравагантную,...

Doug Isenberg

GigaLaw Guide to Internet Law

Advance praise for The GigaLaw Guide to Internet Law “I read this book from cover to cover. The examples of case law are of enormous illustrative value. Some of them will raise your blood pressure (well, mine went up several notches,...

James E. Gaskin

Broadband Bible (Bible)

* This book outlines everything people need to make the move from a dial-up connection to an always-on DSL or cable Internet connection that is up to forty times faster than a standard modem connection * Nielsen estimated there were...

Keratosis Pilaris - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Ref

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

<<<  Артур Конан Дойль. Артур Конан Дойль. Собрание сочинений ...             История Европы. Том 1. Древняя Европа. ... >>>

Снежок: Приключения на островах. Медвежонок Снежок отправляется Народ.ру Погода Каталог софта Горький Зеро 2: в лучах Авроры / Gorky Zero 2: Фото Лист Гарик Сукачев. Концерт в МХАТ им.Чехова. Ответы Elizabeth Castro. Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual Автомобильный портал Фото Корбина Дмитрий Вересов. Путники. Невский проспект Princeton Architectural Press. Designer О компьютерах Как продать ваш товар на внешнем рынке. Справочник. В справочнике Л. В. Кружалова, И. Г. Морозова. Справочник юриста Александр Торопцев. Двенадцать подвигов
Пятигорск, Ухта, Нижний Тагил, Пермь, Иркутск, Норильск, Новомосковск, Кисловодск, Ростов-на-Дону, Серпухов, Тобольск, Вологда,
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