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Craig Thompson Carnet De Voyage (Travel Journal)
Craig Thompson spent three months traveling through Barcelona, the Alps, and France, as well as Morocco, researching his next graphic novel, Habibi. Spontaneous sketches and a travelogue diary document his adventures and quiet moments, creating a...
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Yutaka Izubuchi
Rahxephon Volume 3...
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Osamu Tezuka Buddha, Volume 7: Prince Ajatasattu (Buddha)
This is one of the great achievements of the comics medium, a masterpiece by the great ones. Artbomb.net...
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Mayra Montero Son de Almendra / Dancing to Almendra
New York, October 1957. Albert Anastasia, head of the mafia, has just been murdered. A war over the control of Havana casinos is brewing. JoaquA?A?n, a young journalist, decides to investigate connections between important Cuban individuals and the...
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Uma Krishnaswami The Broken Tusk: Stories of the Hindu God Ganesha
This collection of Hindu folktales for middle readers features stories about the god, Ganesha, who is easily recognized because of his elephant head. Krishnaswami introduces the stories by recalling her own introduction to Ganesha and goes on to...
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Niles Eldredge Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life
A riveting tribute to Charles Darwin's life and ideas in celebration of his 200th birthday. Charles Darwin's ideas resonate deeply in Western culture today, and his theory still lies at the heart of modern scientific evolutionary...
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Penelope J.E. Davies, Walter B. Denny, Frima Fox Hofrichter, Joseph F Jacobs, Ann M. Roberts, David Janson's History of Art: Western Tradition (7th Edition)
This four-part volume uses an exceptional art program–with sumptuous color pictures–to introduce readers to a succession of art styles from prehistoric times and ancient Egypt, to the vast world of Western painting, sculpture,...
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Scott McCloud Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels
Learn How to . . . Choose the right moments to clarify and strengthen your stories. Frame actions and guide your readers' eyes through each comics page. Choose words and pictures that communicate together. ...
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Victoria Hammond Visions of Heaven: The Dome in European Architecture
There's an ethereal magic to standing beneath a dome, neck craned, looking up at a vision of the heavens created by some long-ago figure of genius. From the Pantheon to the Hagia Sophia, the power of the dome seems transcendent. Photographer David...
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Ричард Кларк Врата скорпиона
В 2010 году в Саудовской Аравии происходит государственный переворот. "Нефтяной рай" вот-вот выйдет из-под контроля западных политиков. Но США и Великобритания не собираются мириться с потерей аравийского "черного золота". ...
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И. Ф. Фаткуллин, И. Р. Галимова Кесарево сечение
Пособие посвящено самой распространенной акушерской операции - кесареву сечению. Приводятся данные по топографической анатомии передней брюшной стенки, малого таза, освещаются вопросы кровоснабжения матки, выделяются особенности изменения топографии...
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Домой David Hurwitz. Getting the Most Out of Mozart: The Vocal Works
Марина Лосева. Похождения рыжей бестии
Agent-Based Modeling Meets Gaming Simulation
Aerosmith. Aerosmith. Дебютный альбом одной из наиболее
Рубцовск, Оренбург,
Экранизации современной прозы| Философия| Естественные науки| 3D MAX, Maya, Bryce... Трехмерная графика, анимация и дизайн| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Спортивные программы| Химические науки| Спорт| Барды. | Криминальные фильмы| Фильмы Александра Роу, Александра Птушко| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Лучшие боевики| Филологические науки| Английский язык|
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