Hugh Heclo, Henrik Masden

Policy and Politics in Sweden: Principled Pragmatism (Policy and Politics in Industrial States)

Sweden is a country of paradoxes. Renowned for its liberal social welfare programs and pluralistic cooperation, its government is also characterized by rigid and highly structured behavior. In this volume of the Policy and Politics series, Hugh...

N. Gregory Mankiw

Principles of Economics

In writing this textbook, Mankiw has tried to put himself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. The author's conversational writing style is superb for presenting the politics and science of economic theories to tomorrow's...

Paul Voillis, Paul Viollis

Jane's Workplace Security Handbook

Every employer has a responsibility to its employees, customers and shareholders to provide a secure working environment and to respond effectively and safely to security threats, whether violence in the workplace or terrorist attack. The Jane's...

James Hunt, Joseph R. Weintraub

Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Buisness

The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Business introduces an easy-to-implement developmental coaching model based on the authors' extensive work with thousands of managers, executives,...

The Editors of Career Press, Career Press Inc

Resumes! Resumes! Resumes!: Top Career Experts Show You the Job-Landing Resumes That Sold Them

This third edition of Resumes! Resumes! Resumes! covers all the basics of resume writing and provides dozens of samples from the country's top job pros. Heads of the biggest personnel agencies, recruiting firms and outplacement centers, human...

Hal Zina Bennett

Invitation to Success

Reads like a short novel but reveals the secrets of creative leadership and entrepreneurship. Based on the author's friendship with one of Silicon Valley's leading CEOs, it includes the Eleven Habits of Creativity and Innovation. If you think of...

Sultan Barakat

Reconstructing War-Torn Societies: Afghanistan (Third World Quarterly (Palgrave Macmillan (Firm)).)

As international attention focuses on the rebuilding of Afghanistan, this collection looks critically at the evolution and meaning of the core concepts underpinning aims and strategies for recovery: the key role of institutional development and...

Philip Kelly

Landscapes of Globalization : Globalized Development in the Philippines

Globalization has been touted as the driving force behind the dynamism of Pacific Asian, and particularly Southeast Asian, economies. Indeed, globalization has, in recent years, become a preoccupation of academic, business and political debate...

Dan Kaluzny

Dream, Dare, Learn, Lead: A Guide for Tomorrow's Leaders

For all who want to live the life they've dreamed of. For exceptional students who want continued success after graduation. For people on their first job who want to live not just work. For any young person pulled toward...

Bob, Ph.D. Basso, Judi Klosek, Judi J. D. Klosek

This Job Should Be Fun!: The New Profit Strategy for Managing People in Tough Times

THIS JOB SHOULD BE FUN is the recognized colorful, step by step bible of systematizing productive fun as a profit strategy to motivate the 21st century’s “New Breed Worker.” They have redefined the meaning of productivity...

Consumer Behaviour in Tourism

Consumer Behaviour in Tourism takes a broad view of tourism and looks at consumer behaviour in a number of sectors including:- * tour operation * tourist destinations * hospitality * visitor...

<<<  Рыболовный альманах, №4, 2001. В книге рассказывается о видах и способах ...             "Радуйся, невесто неневестная!". Акафисты Божией ... >>>

Гогле Георгий Сытин. Мысли, творящие здоровую систему дыхания Каталог софта Лента Путешествия Вести Газета.ру КМ Компьютерные новости Каталог софта Сергей Удалин. Черные камни Дайры Николай Дежнев. Белый городок Matt Fillbach, Shawn Fillbach, Chris Avellone, Ethen Beavers. А. Сахаров. Степан Разин Людмила Матвеева. Любовный треугольник SHADOWS FALL. FALLOUT FROM THE WAR. Исполнитель: Игры Muddy Waters. Blue Skies. The Best Of. Лучшие Darlene Russ-Eft, Hallie Preskill. Evaluation in Владимир Дронов. Macromedia Dreamweaver Работа
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