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Альбер Камю Калигула
Перед вами - два, пожалуй, скандальнейших произведения Альбера Камю. Произведения, каждое из которых некогда произвело буквально `эффект разорвавшейся бомбы`. Пьеса `Калигула` и повесть `Падение`. Два очень разных стилистически и очень связанных...
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К. В. Балдин, В. Б. Уткин Информатика
Учебник содержит систематизированное изложение теоретических основ современных информационных систем. Материалы учебника подготовлены авторами на основе текстов лекций, прочитанных ими в течение ряда лет студентам различных форм обучения по...
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А. Н. Божко Photoshop CS. Технология работы
Эта книга представляет собой руководство по новейшей версии самого популярного редактора растровой графики Photoshop CS. В ней рассматриваются все основные этапы подготовки цветных публикаций: сканирование, удаление технических дефектов, настройка...
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Gary Cokins Activity-based Cost Management: An Executive's Guide
Proven strategy for reducing production and operating costs while increasing profits As the growth of the Internet shifts power to consumers, the pressure on companies to keep prices low will continue to mount. Increasingly corporations are relying...
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Paul F. Buller, Schuler Randall S. managing organizations and people: cases in management
Managing Organizations and People is a collection of 57 cases for courses in management, organizational behavior, and human resource management, available only through TextChoice's Management Exercises and Cases archive. TextChoice is the home of...
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Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends & Influence People
You can go after the job you want...and get it! You can take the job you have...and improve it! You can take any situation you're in...and make it work for you! For over 50 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book...
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James B. Kobak, James Kobak How to Start a Magazine
The magazine business is an entirely unique industry. It might even be said that every magazine is, in fact, its own business?what works for Playboy is very different than what works for Vogue. The key is in knowing how the business works, and...
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Herbert Harris Golden 12: Universal Rules for Achieving Success
A concise, inspiring, universally appealing primer on how to achieve success....
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Norton Paley Marketing for the Nonmarketing Executive: An Integrated Resource Management Guide for the 21st Century
What does a marketing-driven company stand for in the Internet age? As a nonmarketing executive, why should you give any attention to the subject? How would internalizing the fine points of the subject contribute to your effectiveness on the job? In...
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Charla Beall Gavalogne's the Group Officer's Handbook: The Field Guide to Effectively Managing a Successful Term in Office
A handy reference and guide to effectively managing a successful term in office, covering basics of leadership, communication, planning, coordination of activities, money management, responsibility, and more....
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Robert Lee Wyatt, J. Elaine White Making Your First Year a Success: The Secondary Teacher's Survival Guide
This easy-to-follow handbook shares valuable solutions and insights into the issues and concerns that have traditionally baffled beginning teachers. ...
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Домой Вики
Елена Гладкая. Фокусы на любой вкус
Various. Sibelius/Goldmark: Violin Concertos.
Ф. А. Хромченко. Справочное пособие электросварщика
Richard Cebula. Economics Alive!, Macroeconomics Principles
Васильева Н.В.. Сценарий юбилея. Выпуск 9
Гора самоцветов. Том 4. Янтарь. Содержание: 01. Не скажу 02. Ворон-обманщик
Мировое искусство. Импрессионизм. Книга
Мафиози. Сигары - образ жизни Ленни (Лилло Бранкато,
Из-за него. Дина Дурбин ("Три милые девушки") в
Richard Langhorne. The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution
Дмитрий Быков. ЖД-рассказы
Е. С. Загородний. Экспресс-самоучитель английского языка
А. В. Федоров, А. В. Шахматов. Правовое
Канск, Коломна, Улан-Удэ, Махачкала, Салават, Сургут, Находка, Сочи, Тверь,
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