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Marguerite Hartt Thrifting into a Debt-Free, Carefree Lifestyle
THRIFTING INTO A DEBT-FREE, CAREFREE LIFESTYLE provides tips to the reader for savings on virtually every good and service, including personal stories and examples. The book shows the reader how the opportunities exist everywhere for huge savings,...
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Франсуаз Буше-Сольнье Практический словарь гуманитарного права
В 1999 году международная правозащитная организация "Врачи без границ" получила Нобелевскую премию мира за создание справочного издания дающего четкое определение правозащитной деятельности. Эта книга предназначена в первую очередь для политологов и...
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Andrew Hunt, David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
If I'm putting together a project, it's the authors of this book that I want. . . . And failing that I'd settle for people who've read their book." -- Ward Cunningham Straight from the programming trenches, The...
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Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Jonathan P. Liperi, Ben Wiedermann Python How to Program (With CD-ROM)
The authoritative DEITEL LIVE-CODE introduction to Python programming This new book by the world's leading programming language textbook authors carefully explains how to use Python as a general-purpose programming language and how to program...
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Tim Hentschel Sample Rate Conversion in Software Configurable Radios (Artech House Mobile Communications Series)
This authoritative, leading-edge resource gives you a comprehensive overview of sample rate conversion (SRC) and its applications in software configurable radios. The book helps you understand the limits of feasible systems for sample rate...
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James Harry Green Telecommunications Projects Made Easy
This book and its disk bring order to complex telecommunications projects in two ways. First, it has a checklist of all the elements of common telecommunications projects. Second, the floppy disk contains comprehensive templates, which can be...
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Christoph Bussler, Rick Hull, Sheila McIlraith, Maria E. Orlowska, Barbara Pernici, Jian Yang Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web, WES 2002, held in Toronto, Canada in May 2002 in conjunction with CAiSE 2002. The 18 revised full...
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Roland H. Worth Jr. Biblical Studies on the Internet: A Resource Guide
With this handbook of currently available internet resources (for use online or to be downloaded to one's personal computer), the users can locate the exact spot on the internet to find the materials they want. And they will save countless hours of...
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Leon Reznik, Vladik Kreinovich, Leonid Reznik Soft Computing in Measurement and Information Acquisition (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 127)
The vigorous development of the internet and other information technologies have significantly expanded the amount and variety of sources of information available on decision making. This book presents the current trends of soft computing...
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Chuck Holcombe 70-221: MCSE Guide to Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure
Prepares individuals for the MCSE certification exam #70-221 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure....
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Маркиз де-Кюстин Николаевская Россия
Книга маркиза де-Кюстина, известного французского путешественника и литератора., рассказывает о жизни России....
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Домой Путешествия
Н. В. Богомолов. Очерки о российских педагогах-математиках
Блаженные Санкт-Петербурга. В этой книге, значительно дополненной по сравнению
Erik Larson. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the
Television: The Critical View. First published in 1976, Television:
Румянцева Е.. Игры для мальчиков. № 20
Стьюарт Крейнер, Дэз Дирлов. Планета MBA. Бизнес-школы: взгляд изнутри
Велькер М.. Христианство и плюрализм
Алессандро Барикко. Море-океан (аудиокнига на 7 CD)
THIN LIZZ. WILD ONE -. Исполнитель: THIN
Ангелы Чарли. Ангелы Чарли 2. Только вперед.
Савако Ариёси. Жена лекаря Сэйсю Ханаоки
Мытищи, Дзержинск, Курск, Рубцовск, Норильск, Новочебоксарск, Йошкар-Ола, Иваново, Великие Луки, Элиста, Кострома, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Батайск, Москва, Владимир, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Санкт-Петербург, Шахты, Петрозаводск, Иркутск, Москва, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Химки, Серпухов, Южно-Сахалинск, Бийск,
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