R. Brayton Bowen

Recognizing and Rewarding Employees

Positive feedback and recognition are proven and valuable­­but too often overlooked­­management tools. Recognizing and Rewarding Employees gives managers the top-ten rewards most successful at motivating employees, tips for...

John Mole

Mind Your Manners: Managing Business Cultures in the New Global Europe

Global markets demand a global corporate culture that capitalizes on diversity without imposing uniformity. The timely release of this new, expanded edition of Mind Your Manners reflects the renewed interest in fostering partnerships with the...

Jorge Frascara

Design and the Social Sciences

The social sciences have a distinctive contribution to make to the understanding and handling of design issues. Written by specialists working in the consumer product industries, as well as by designers and applied theorists, the book describes new...

Philip Scranton

Beauty and Business: Commerce, Gender, and Culture in Modern America (Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture)

"Until recently, business historians have not yielded to beauty - at least as a subject of scholarly inquiry. But beauty is big business." | o Kathy Peiss, from the Introduction Beauty seems simple; we know it when we see it. But of course...

Петр Катериничев

Редкая птица

Олег Дронов, бывший аналитик службы разведки, оказывается втянутым в разборку мафиозных группировок: одной - традиционной, другой - специализирующейся на сексуальных преступлениях. Он понимает, что за видимой схваткой стоит третья, более...

John W. Eaton

Gnu Octave Manual

This manual is the definitive guide to GNU Octave, an interactive environment for numerical computation. GNU Octave provides a convenient command-line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems using vectors and matrices. Its language...

Roy L. Crole

Categories for Types (Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks)

This textbook explains the basic principles of categorical type theory and the techniques used to derive categorical semantics for specific type theories. It introduces the reader to ordered set theory, lattices and domains, and this material...

Stephen Ashmore

So You Want to Be an Oracle Dba: Still More Useful Information, Scripts and Suggestions for the New and Experienced Oracle Dba

Newly updated for Oracle 9i, this compact easy to read technical guide is a must for every Oracle DBA's library. It includes information on creating an Oracle Database, backup recovery, tuning and new SQL features. It then moves onto several more...

Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Vicenc Torra

Privacy In Statistical Databases: Casc Project International Workshop, Psd 2004, Barcelona, Spain, June 9-11, 2004, Proceedings (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE)

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Workshop on Privacy in Statistical Databases, PSD 2004, held in June 2004 in Barcelona, Spain as the final conference of the European IST Project Computational Aspects of...

Charles V. Breakfield, Roxanne E. Burkey

Managing Systems Migrations and Upgrades : Demystifying the Technology Puzzle

Managing Systems Migrations and Upgrades is the perfect book for technology managers who want a rational guide to evaluating the business aspects of various possible technical solutions. Enterprises today are in the middle of the R&D race for...

Andrew E. Schwartz

Truth Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint

Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create...

<<<  Лебедкина А.А., Мулкахайнен Д.В., Сыроватко Л.В.. Русская ...             "Радуйся, невесто неневестная!". Акафисты Божией ... >>>

МТС Woman. Представляем вашему вниманию сборник самых громких хитов З. Тайлинг. Воспитание вашей кошки Е. А. Машинская. Инвестиционная стратегия, или Гогле Джулия Моргенстерн. Самоорганизация по принципу Ник Кристенсон. Sendmail: настройка и оптимизация Стивен Котлер. Азимут бегства Топ МТС КМ Gerri Hill. One Summer Night Trygve O. Tollefsbol. Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols Gladys Gossett Hankins. Diversity Blues: How To Программы Почта.ру Norman Kagan. The Cinema of Robert Zemeckis
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