Report on the State of the European Union 2003-2004

Book Description The yearly report aims to examine the progress of European integration and focus on economic aspects of the process. The report will be written in an accessible way focusing on different topics each year depending upon their...

Thad, Sitton

Freedom Colonies : Independent Black Texans in the Time of Jim Crow (Jack and Doris Smothers Series in Texas History, Life, and Culture )

Book DescriptionIn the decades following the Civil War, nearly a quarter of African Americans achieved a remarkable victory--they got their own land. While other ex-slaves and many poor whites became trapped in the exploitative sharecropping system,...

Terry Ross Erickson

Tonight Only

Book DescriptionMy story is about the people and animals of the Big John Strong Circus. The circus was--Red, the ringmaster with his carrot-colored hair that lit up the midway like a cheerful beacon and his incredibly blue eyes that often had the...

Joe O'Donnell

Japan 1945: A U.S. Marine's Photographs From Ground Zero

Book DescriptionIn September 1945 Joe O?Donnell was a twenty-three-year-old Marine Corps photographer wading ashore in Japan, then under American occupation. His orders were to document the aftermath of U.S. bombing raids in Japanese cities,...

David Miller

Music While Drowning : German Expressionist Poems

Book DescriptionAlthough the Expressionists are renowned for their dynamic and emotionally challenging imagery, their literary masterpieces remain a well-kept secret. Here, for the first time, is an anthology of some of the very best poems from the...

Amedee Daryl Williams

Lillian Fuchs: First Lady of the Viola

Book DescriptionThroughout her long and illustrious career, Lillian Fuchs was lauded as one of the first great American violists. This penetrating study of Ms. Fuchs's professional life as a performer, teacher, composer, arranger, and chamber music...

James Clarke

Virgin Film: Coppola (Virgin Film S.)

Book DescriptionThroughout his career Coppola has demonstrated an unerring belief in the power of digital technology to expand the potential of moviemaking and, with "Megalopolis" finally becoming a reality, he has reasserted his position as a...

Phil Vinson

Ink in the Blood

Book DescriptionInk in the Blood" is a frank, lighthearted, and often touching story of how a boy, born in a small, West Texas town, moves to the big city and grows up in a family of journalists. The book describes his personal comedies, tragedies,...

W.C. Jameson

Billy the Kid : Beyond the Grave

Book DescriptionDid Billy the Kid escape to die in 1950 in Hico Texad? W.C. Jameson analyzes the evidence, including use of new technology to produce a compelling case for Billy's survival....

Константин Симонов

Живые и мертвые. Роман в трех книгах. Книга 1

Трилогия "Живые и мертвые" - неприукрашенная правда о Великой Отечественной войне - охватывает временной промежуток от первых дней отступления до разгрома немецкой армии под Москвой. Действие трилогии завершается в тех местах, где оно начиналось - в...

Андрей Белый

Андрей Белый. Стихотворения (миниатюрное издание)

Сборник избранных стихотворений Андрея Белого (Бориса Николаевича Бугаева). О нем В.Я.Брюсов в свое время писал: "Поэт, мыслитель, критик, теоретик искусства, иногда бойкий фельетонист, Андрей Белый - одна из замечательнейших фигур современной...

<<<  П. Ф. Преображенский. Тертуллиан и Рим             "Радуйся, невесто неневестная!". Акафисты Божией ... >>>

В. Ирвинг. В. Ирвинг. Новеллы Халидя Махмутова. Сам себе декоратор. Чехлы, покрывала, Лента Поиск работы Счетчик Процесс о поджоге Рейхстага и Георгий Димитров. Документы. Том 2. И. Я. Хвощевский. Учитель Иванов. Моя идея - это Гимн Жизни Allan Rogers. Peonies А. В. Богатырев, Ю. К. Есеновский-Лашков, М. Л. Насоновский, В. А. Чернышев. Все о Линукс Здоровые спинки. Дыхательная и двигательная гимнастика для детей. Дыхательная David Mitchell. Black Swan Green: A Novel GILELS. BEETH:PNO SONS 27/28/30/31. Исполнитель: GILELS Российская газета Счетчик Чат
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