T. Scott Gross

Positively Outrageous Service

When is the last time your customers said "WOW!"? T. Scott Gross is a super-successful businessman, a quality service guru, and a consultant to many of America's most prestigious companies and organizations. His message? In today's economy...

Erika Rappaport

Shopping for Pleasure: Women in the Making of London's West End.

In Shopping for Pleasure , Erika Rappaport reconstructs London's Victorian and Edwardian West End as an entertainment and retail center. In this neighborhood of stately homes, royal palaces, and spacious parks and squares, a dramatic...

Bengt-Ake Lundvall

Innovation, Growth and Social Cohesion: The Danish Model (New Horizons in the Economics of Innovation)

Written by the scholar who, together with Chris Freeman, first introduced the concept of the innovation system, this book brings the literature an important step forward. Based upon extraordinarily rich empirical material, it shows how and why...

J. Stanley Shaw, Peter Golden

I Rest My Case

I Rest My Case is a fascinating and profoundly moving memoir that chronicles the life of J. Stanley Shaw from his childhood years under the supervision of the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum in the 1930s to his career as one of the preeminent...

Samson Abramsky, Dov. M. Gabbay, T. S. E. Maibaum, S. Abramsky, Dov M. Gabbay, Thomas S. E. Maibaum

Handbook of Logic in Computer Science 5

The Handbook of Logic in Computer Science is a six-volume, internationally authored work which offers a comprehensive treatment of the application of logic to theoretical computer science. Each volume is comprised of an average of five 100-page...

C. Warren Axelrod, Axelrod

Outsourcing Information Security

This comprehensive and timely resource examines security risks related to IT outsourcing, clearly showing you how to recognize, evaluate, minimize, and manage these risks. Unique in its scope, this single volume offers you complete coverage of the...

Marjorie S. Hunt

Microsoft FrontPage 2002 - Illustrated Essentials

A visual, flexible approach to learning the essentials of Web site creation using Microsoft FrontPage 2002....

Icon Health Publications

Temozolomide: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Stephen Graham

The Cybercities Reader (Routledge Urban Reader Series)

Brings together a vast range of debates and examples of city changes based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and illustrates how new media in cities shapes societies, economies and cultures....

Michael P. Sauers

Using Microsoft Outlook: A How-To-Do-It Manual and Cd-Rom Tutorial (HOW TO DO IT MANUALS FOR LIBRARIANS)

Get the most from your computer. Learn how to manage e-mail, appointments, and tasks using Outlook 2000. This easy-to-read manual and CD-ROM provide straightforward, hands-on lessons to familiarize you with both basic and advanced features. Topics...

К. Джамса

Практическое руководство по сборке, настройке, модернизации и разгону ПК. Советы и технические приемы

Эта книга предназначена для пользователей среднего и профессионального уровня, а также для специалистов, занимающихся настройкой и модернизацией ПК. В книге описаны более 500 практических приемов по настройке и модернизации ПК. В каждой главе есть...

<<<  Мария Анна Зельнер. L'italiano. Краткая грамматика итальянского ...             "Радуйся, невесто неневестная!". Акафисты Божией ... >>>

Программы Яндекс Что такое. Кто такой. В трех томах. Том 2. Содержит около 300 Футбол Бесплатные объявления Мой мир Рамблер Ronald P. Cody, Ron Cody. Longitudinal Data and SAS: A Programmer's Программы Eugenie M. J .H. Hol. Empirical Studies on Volatility in International Николай Богомолов. От Пушкина до Кибирова. Статьи о русской литературе, Ливе А. В. Якушев. Начинаем работать в Интернет. Краткое руководство Евгений Лукин. Рассказы. Платформа: WIN пластиковый Claire B. May, Gordon S. May, Andrew. Effective Writing: A Джо Хилл. Призраки двадцатого века Булат Окуджава. Булат Окуджава. Избранные произведения. Корбина Конференция iXBT.com Михаил Фленов. Web-сервер глазами хакера (+CD-ROM)
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