Andrew M. Chisholm

Derivatives Demystified : A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options (The Wiley Finance Series)

Book DescriptionThe book is a step-by-step guide to derivative products. By distilling the complex mathematics and theory that underlie the subject, Chisholm explains derivative products in straightforward terms, focusing on applications and...

Ruth Kline

It Coulda Been Worse: Surviving a Lifetime of Abuse and Mental Illness

Book DescriptionAs children, many of us relied on our parents for guidance, advice, strength and unconditional love. These ideals were instilled in us so that we could later become self-sufficient and caring adults. However, there are those who have...

Donald Brown

Herbal Prescriptions for Health & Healing : Your Everyday Guide to Using Herbs Safely and Effectively

Book DescriptionThis book is an indispensable guide that will introduce you to 20 of the most frequently used herbs....

Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy (Allergic Disease and Therapy)

Book DescriptionEnlarged to describe more than a decade of advances in the immunotherapy of allergic diseases and asthma, this Third Edition contains the most recent studies on the mechanisms, manufacture, and standardization of various allergen...

Thomas Cook

El Interrogatorio / The Interrogation

Book DescriptionLos Angeles, 1952. El cadaver de Cathy Lake, estudiante de primaria, se descubre junto al estanque del parque, banado en sangre. Su madre habia denunciado su desaparicion apenas unas horas antes. Los...

George Greenwood

Shakespeare's Signatures and Sir Thomas More

Book Description1924. A study into the six signatures attributable to Shakespeare and various other handwriting samples arguably those of Shakespeare; whether such samples really are those of Shakespeare and whether or not the three page addition to...

Patrick Fuery

Madness and Cinema : Psychoanalysis, Spectatorship and Culture

Book Description Madness and Cinema offers a radical approach to the issue of what happens when we watch films. By exploring cinema's relationship to meaning and proposing new ways to read cinema through psychoanalysis, this book develops...

Patrick Holliday

Pacific Passions

Book Description If you have ever experienced a love so great, so intense, that it made all other relationships pale in comparison, Pacific Passions is that message written from the heart. This book is a collection of writings over time to the one...

David Coward

A History of French Literature: From Chanson De Geste to Cinema

Book DescriptionIn its scope and inclusiveness, this ambitious volume is far more than a history of the literature of France from its origins to the present day, though it is that too. It is a book that fully registers the impact of post-modern...

Том Роббинс

Новый придорожный аттракцион

Книга знаковая для творческой биографии Тома Роббинса - писателя, официально признанною "национальным достоянием американской контр культуры". Ироническая притча? Причудливая фантасмагория? Просто умная и оригинальная "сказка дня...

Все музеи России. Энциклопедический справочник в 3 томах. Том 2. Санкт-Петербург, Северо-запад, Приволжье

"Все музеи России" - уникальное издание в трех томах, в котором собраны сведения о более 3000 музеях, галереях, выставочных залов и других учреждений, занимающихся собиранием, изучением, хранением и экспонированием предметов естественной истории,...

<<<  Бхактивинода Тхакур. Джайва-дхарма. Том 1             "Радуйся, невесто неневестная!". Акафисты Божией ... >>>

Рейтинг Lumen. Дыши. Новый ударный летний альбом! Их выступления становятся VARIOUS ARTISTS. LONG WAY ROUND. Исполнитель: О. Л. Д'ор. Смех среди руин Все о Линукс Широкова И.Г.. Этика. Конспект лекций в схемах Е. С. Козорез. Кожно-венерические заболевания. Учебное пособие Вайятт Таунли. Йоганетика
Ноябрьск, Саратов, Новошахтинск, Ачинск,
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