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Susan Strange The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy
Who is really in charge of the world economy? Not only governments, argues Susan Strange in The Retreat of the State. Big businesses, drug barons, insurers, accountants and international bureaucrats all encroach on the so-called sovereignty of the...
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Edward J. O'Boyle Personalist Economics: Moral Convictions, Economic Realities, and Social Action
Personalist Economics: Moral Convictions, Economic Realities, and Social Action examines the nature of the worker and consumer from a personalist perspective, comparing that body of knowledge to what is received from conventional economics. A...
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Jack Brennan, Marta McCave Straight Talk on Investing: What You Need to Know
"Eternal verities in simple language. By all means, turn off your TV and read this book." ?William F. Sharpe, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University Graduate School of Business Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1990 ...
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Sidney Mailick, Stephen A. Stumpf Learning Theory in the Practice of Management Development
The workplace is the ideal environment for tying together management theory and practice and yet, classes in many regular management development programs are conducted away from the work site, and class sizes are so large that individual instruction...
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Oliver Gassmann, Gerrit Reepmeyer, Zedtwitz, Maximilian Von Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation: Trends and Drivers for Growth in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceutical giants have been doubling their investments in drug development, only to see new drug approvals to remain constant for the past decade. Driven by what is known the productivity dilemma in pharmaceutical innovation, many drug...
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David M. Geltner, Norman G. Miller Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments
Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments presents the essential concepts, principles, and tools for the analysis of commercial real estate (income producing) from an investment perspective. The book integrates relevant aspects of urban and...
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Ron Idra, James L. Rogers Profit from Intellectual Property (Legal Survival Guides)
Ron Idra received his B.S. from Brooklyn College and law degree from the New York University School of Law. He is a member of the New York State Bar, and currently a copyright and trademark consultant for many large corporations in New York....
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Vivek Alwayn Optical Network Design and Implementation (Networking Technology)
A comprehensive guide to understanding and configuring multiservice DWDM, SONET, and SDH architectures Optical Network Design and Implementation provides in-depth coverage of the following: DS1/DS3/E1/E3 over SONET/SDH ...
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Russell D. Reed, Robert J. Marks II Neural Smithing: Supervised Learning in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial neural networks are nonlinear mapping systems whose structure is loosely based on principles observed in the nervous systems of humans and animals. The basic idea is that massive systems of simple units linked together in appropriate ways...
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Marcus Jurgens, Marcus Jurgens Index Structures for Data Warehouses
Data warehouses differ significantly from traditional transaction-oriented operational database applications. Indexing techniques and index structures applied in the transaction-oriented context are not feasible for data warehouses. This work...
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Октябрина и Александр Ганичкины Ваш сад
Из предлагаемой книги вы узнаете, как правильно посадить плодово-ягодные культуры и ухаживать за ними, как создать изгородь из декоративных кустарников, как добиться продолжительного цветения летников и многолетних растений и, конечно же, о том, как...
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Домой Deep Mix By DJ AXL. Deep Progressive Music! "Take It" - взрыв всех чартов,
Предельный Батай. Проблема предельного жизненного опыта
Управление инновациями. Книга 3. Базовые компоненты управления
И. А. Бунин. И. А. Бунин. Собрание сочинений в
Фоули Г.. Обольстительная леди
Сызрань, Тамбов, Новый Уренгой, Екатеринбург, Уссурийск, Псков, Сызрань, Екатеринбург, Тула, Смоленск, Тобольск, Дзержинск, Тамбов, Абакан, Уфа, Невинномысск, Рыбинск, Старый Оскол, Новомосковск, Междуреченск, Ачинск, Димитровград, Ижевск, Курган, Волгодонск, Березники, Улан-Удэ, Новый Уренгой,
Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Художественные музеи, коллекции и собрания|
книжные магазины москвы, аудиокниги, books, бестселлер, интернет магазин книги, олимпийский книжная, учебник, литература, |