K. H. Spencer Pickett

The Internal Auditor at Work : A Practical Guide to Everyday Challenges

A clear, accessible guide to the roles and responsibilities of today?s internal auditor At a time when companies are seeking to reevaluate their practices and add value to their audit processes, The Internal Auditor at Work represents an...

S. B. Costales

The Guide to Understanding Financial Statements

There's no mystery to understanding company financial statements Even if you have no financial or accounting background, you can read those intimidating-looking financial statements as easily as A-B-C. The second edition of The Guide to...

Ross M. Starr

General Equilibrium Theory

General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction, presents one of the great achievements of modern economic analysis (recognized by two Nobel Prizes). General equilibrium analysis studies an economy as a whole, recognizing many interacting markets where...

Kumaraswamy Velupillai

Computable Economics: The Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures (Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures)

In the field of economic analysis, computability in the formation of economic hypotheses is seen as the way forward. In this book, Professor Velupillai implements a theoretical research program along these lines. Choice theory, learning rational...

Peter M. Robinson

Time Series With Long Memory (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)

Time Series with Long Memory comprises a collection on time series analysis. Long memory time series are characterized by a strong dependence between distant events. Various methods and their theoretical properties are discussed with empirical...

Terry Paulson

Making Humor Work: Take Your Job Seriously and Yourself Lightly (Fifty-Minute Series)

Use effective humor to help problem-solve, defuse resistance to change, disarm anger, and other situations....

Jodie-Beth Galos, Sandy McIntosh

Firing Back : Power Strategies for Cutting the Best Deal When You're About to Lose Your Job

Turn the tables on termination! Firing Back gives you the ammunition you need to take charge and secure the best possible severance package. You'll find powerful, effective strategies for negotiation, as well as clear guidelines for creating the...

Jist Publishing

Standard Occupational Classification Manual 2002: Based on Information from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Based on information from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) is a system of job groups and specific job titles that organize all occupations performed for pay. It is THE system used to...

J. Durbin, A. C. Harvey, S. J. Koopman, Neil Shephard

State Space and Unobserved Component Models: Theory and Applications : Proceedings of a Conference in Honour of James Durbin

Offering a broad overview of the state-of-the-art developments in the theory and applications of state space modeling, fourteen chapters from twenty-three contributors present a unique synthesis of state space methods and unobserved component models...

Daniel Rothenberg

With These Hands: The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today

With These Hands documents the farm labor system through the presentation of a collection of voices-workers who labor in the fields, growers who manage the multi-billion dollar agricultural industry, contractors who link workers with growers,...

Susan S. Jarvis

Basic Law for Small Business

A brief, practical business law text that focuses on legal issues affecting small businesses, particularly issues that are relevant to owners and employees. Numerous hypothetical scenarios that business owners are likely to face are presented, and...

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Гороскопы Daniel S. Hamermesh. Labor Demand Brian Underdahl. Build Your Own PC Home Entertainment System Ответы Мой мир Stephen R. Elias. Getting Paid: How to Collect from Bankrupt Srikanth Reddy. Facts for Visitors : Poems (New Почта Jeanne Farrington, James Fuller. From Training to Performance Improvement Нигма Почта Игры Химическая технология неорганических веществ. Книга 1. В книге даны сведения Работа Игры Richard Hornby. Script into Performance: A Structuralist Л. В. Клыков. Свобода жизни вечной
ВеликийНовгород, Белгород, Серпухов, Чебоксары, Абакан, Кызыл, Курск, Мытищи, Чита, Новокузнецк, Смоленск, Дербент, Коломна, Кострома, Мурманск, Волгоград, Нальчик, Нижний Тагил, Мурманск, Новочебоксарск, Тула, Новошахтинск, СергиевПосад, Иркутск, Москва,
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