Marat Terterov, Visnja Bojanic

Doing Business With Croatia (Global Market Briefings Series)

* Covers business practice and trading opportunities in Croatia. * Includes contributions from prestigious international editorial partners from the accounting, banking and legal worlds (Deloitte & Touche, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Groupe Coface)...

Gary Gerstle

Working-Class Americanism: The Politics of Labor in a Textile City, 1914-1960

In this classic interpretation of the 1930s rise of industrial unionism, Gary Gerstle challenges the popular historical notion that American workers' embrace of "Americanism" and other patriotic sentiments in the post-World War I years indicated...

Ramesh Adhikari, Prema-Chandra Athukoralge

Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond

?Developing countries are again, as in the early days of UNCTAD, becoming a major focus in the discussion of world trade reforms. Their sense that the Uruguay Round and the WTO system failed to address their concerns is a major factor behind...

Paul Hartley, Gertrud Robins

Manual of Business German: A Comprehensive Language Guide (Languages for Business)

The Manual of Business German is the most comprehensive single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using German for business. Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, each volume is comprised of five...

Steven S. Eggland, Les R. Dlabay, James L. Burrow

Intro to Business

Intro to Business 5E allows students to discover how a business works and how it impacts lives on a daily basis. With extended coverage on marketing, management, the Internet, as well as updated content, computer applications, and new web site,...

Федор Сологуб

Федор Сологуб. Собрание стихотворений в 8 томах. Том 7

В седьмом томе Собрания стихотворений воспроизведены "Изборник" (1918 г.), десять рукописных (1920, 1921 гг.) и две машинописные (1925-1927; 1926 гг.) книги стихов. Ранее не публиковались....

Fay Sudweeks, Margaret L. McLaughlin, Sheizaf Rafaeli

Network and Netplay: Virtual Groups on the Internet

foreword by Ronald Rice The vast, international web of computer networks that is the Internet offers millions of users the opportunity to exchange electronic mail, photographs, and sound clips; to...

Jonathan Schaeffer, H. J. Van Den Herik, J. Schaeffer, Jaap Van Den Herik

Chips Challenging Champions

One of the earliest dreams of the fledgling field of artificial intelligence (AI) was to build computer programs that could play games as well as or better than the best human players. Despite early optimism in the field, the challenge proved to be...

Nabell A. Y. Al-Qirim, Nabeel A. Y. Al-Qirim

Electronic Commerce in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Frameworks, Issues and Implications

Electronic Commerce in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Frameworks, Issues and Implications addresses eCommerce issues in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a global setting. The book aims at addressing issues that are of importance to...

Howard J. Weiss

DS for Windows (2nd Edition)

DS for Windows is the most user-friendly Windows software available for production and operations management, quantitative methods, management science, and operations research. A software/user's manual package, ...

Greg Harvey, John Kaufeld

Adobe Acrobat 5 PDF for Dummies

What the book covers: The essentials of using Adobe Acrobat. Includes coverage on planning a document for PDF distribution, maintaining the integrity of your fonts and graphics, creating PDFs with Office or the Distiller, updating work with Acrobat,...

<<<  Ог Мандино. Величайший секрет в мире             "Радуйся, невесто неневестная!". Акафисты Божией ... >>>

Работа Джо Инглис. Собаки Из рук в руки Р. А. Каламкарян, Ю. И. Мигачев. Международное право Chris Brewster, Henrik Holt Larsen. Human Resource Почта Диагностика и лечение в кардиологии. В учебном пособии изложена в краткой и РБК Бесплатные объявления Топ майл.ру Статистика Почта Работа
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