Марина Серова

Спелое яблоко раздора

Эта история началась как любовный роман, но очень быстро переросла в криминальный. А как же могло быть иначе, если ее главная героиня - частный детектив Татьяна Иванова? Не успела она завязать приятное знакомство с Сергеем, приехавшим в город на...

Элисон Бейверсток

Заставьте слово работать на вас

Как четко и эффективно донести свои идеи до адресата? Как написать запоминающийся лозунг? При каких условиях реклама бывает эффективной, а паблисити - успешным? Маленькая книжка больших "секретов" в ваших руках. Сделайте шаг к успеху! ...

Marc Egnal

Divergent Paths: How Culture and Institutions Have Shaped North American Growth

Why are some countries without an apparent abundance of natural resources, such as Japan, economic success stories, while other languish in the doldrums of slow growth. In this comprehensive look at North American economic history, Marc Egnal argues...

Deirdre A. Royster

Race and the Invisible Hand: How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue-Collar Jobs (George Gund Foundation Book in African American Studies)

From the time of Booker T. Washington to today, and William Julius Wilson, the advice dispensed to young black men has invariably been, "Get a trade." Deirdre Royster has put this folk wisdom to an empirical test--and, in Race and the Invisible...

Jack Kanholm

ISO 9000 Requirements, 92 Requirements Checklist and Compliance Guide

This is a focused and well-organized book with in-depth interpretation of ISO 9001:2000 requirements. It identifies and explains 92 distinct, auditable requirements that must be implemented to pass the certification audit. Every requirement is...

Pat Diehl Scace

The Floral Artist's Guide:: A Reference to Cut Flowers and Foliages

This comprehensive resource serves as a pictorial guide to over 500 different types of cut flowers, foliage, and dried materials for all levels of floral designers. It offers a complete guide to the botanical and common names, pronunciation,...

Louise Amoore

Globalization Contested: An International Political Economy of Work

This exciting book brings fresh insights to the contemporary globalization debate. It opens up the concept and concrete experience of globalization to reveal the social and political contests that give 'global' its meaning, by examining the...

Charles P. Kindleberger

The World in Depression, 1929-1939, Revised and Enlarged edition (History of the World Economy in the Twentieth Century)

Times Literary Supplement The finest analytical account of the run-up to the Great Depression and the ensuing run-down from it into mild recovery and eventual world war. [This] brilliant book remains a carefully documented admonition to...

Brad Jackson

Management Gurus and Management Fashions: A Dramatistic Inquiry

Since the 1980s, popular management thinkers, or management gurus, have promoted a number of performance improvement programs or management fashions that have greatly influenced both the everyday conduct of organizational life and the preoccupations...

Sun Tzu, Gary Gagliardi

The Art of War -Plus- The Art of Marketing

The complete text of The Art of War on the left-hand pages and its line-by-line adaptation, The Art of Marketing, on the facing right-hand pages....

William G. Zikmund

Exploring Marketing Research With Infotrac

Marketing research on the Internet has moved from the introductory stage of its product life to the growth stage in the 21st century. Technological developments and social diffusion of the Internet have and will continue to shape the future of...

<<<  Георгий Вернадский. Русская историография             Ольга Лазорева. Пьяная вишня >>>

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