Cary Reich

Financier: The Biography of Andre Meyer: A Story of Money, Power, and the Reshaping of American Business

Fortune magazine deemed him "the most important investment banker in the Western world." A ferociously energetic, charming, and ruthless businessman, he had, by the age of forty, helped save the foundering auto giant Citroen, established...

T. Daniel Coggin, Frank J. Fabozzi, T. Daniel Coggin, Frank J. Fabozzi

Handbook of Equity Style Management, 3rd Edition

Beginning with the introduction of "value" and "growth" stocks in the late 1930s, expanding to add the concept of "small cap" stocks in the early 1980s, and progressing to the mathematical formalization of Nobel Laureate William Sharpe in the late...

Milo O. Frank

How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less

GET YOUR LISTENER'S ATTENTION, KEEP HIS INTEREST, AND MAKE YOUR POINT -- ALL IN THIRTY SECONDS! Milo Frank, America's foremost business communications consultant, shows you how to: * Focus your objectives * Utilize the...

Meryl Runion, Meryl Runion

How to Use Power Phrases to Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, & Get What You Want

Easy-to-master techniques for more effective communications in all areas of life In this breakthrough guide, communication guru Meryl Runion explains why effective communication is more than just a business tool. It is also the key...

Peter C. Brown

Jumping the Job Track: Security, Satisfaction, and Success As an Independent Consultant

A potentially life-changing book, filled with profiles of people who have successfully made the transition from employee to entrepreneur. Practical and inspiring, it covers everything from getting your employer's help, finding clients, and...

Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Creativity: Make Your Message Irresistible with the Power of Memes

The guru of the Guerrilla Marketing series, which has sold more than one million copies, shows small business owners how to cut through the clutter of new information with simple, powerful ideas that customers will find irresistible. Today,...

Tom Hopkins

Sales Prospecting for Dummies

Prospecting – finding and qualifying prospective clients – is the first step in the selling proposition. It can also be the most daunting. The first big hurdle is knowing where to look for opportunities and...

Н. Бажанов


В процессе создания книги автором использованы архивные материалы: Рукописные воспоминания современников композитора Ю.Л. Давыдова, С.В. Евсеева и Э.К. Розанова, исследования Вл. Протопопова, В. Иванова-Корсунского, профессора Козьмина, В.А....

Н. В. Усова

Геодезия (для реставраторов)

В учебнике, написанном в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта, приводится описание геодезических работ, сопутствующих реставрации и реконструкции памятников архитектуры. Излагается методика выполнения геодезических...

Simon Shepherd

Cryptography: Diffusing the Confusion (Communications Systems, Techniques and Applications Series)

Thirty years ago, cryptography was the almost exclusive preserve of the Government and Military. Today it is the key technology underlying the Internet revolution and is of critical commercial and academic importance. The broadband...

David Beskeen

Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 - Illustrated Brief

The visual and flexible way to learn Microsoft PowerPoint skills....

<<<  Джон Кортис, Элизабет Б. Рэтклифф, Дэвид Олсоп. ...             Ольга Лазорева. Пьяная вишня >>>

Frank Plonka, Gustav J. Olling. Computer Applications Robert A. Heinlein. Podkayne of Mars (Ace Дэвид Крэков. Лепим из полимерной глины Все о Линукс Из рук в руки Три Кабальеро. Сборник мультфильмов. Три Кабальеро (1945 г., 72 Народ.ру Новости Знакомства Новости Топ В. К. Половняк, О. В. Михайлов, А. М. Кузнецов. Ответы Вадим Кожевников. Вадим Кожевников. Собрание сочинений Поиск мета Счетчик VARIOUS. ARIAS FOR FARINELLI. 1. Исполнитель: VARIOUS Альбом: Игры Kornel Terplan. Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (Advanced and Чат
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