Сесилия Ахерн

Не верю. Не надеюсь. Люблю

Почти пятьдесят лет жизни главных героев уместилось в эту - книгу, состоящую из нескольких сотен писем. Второй роман молодой ирландской писательницы Сесилии Ахерн - это история о том, сколько времени иногда требуется, чтобы найти свою настоящую...

И. В. Борисов, Е. Н. Козина

Геральдика России

Геральдика современной России - уникальное издание, в котором впервые предпринята попытка объединить воедино все сведения о современной отечественной городской геральдике. В предлагаемой книге представлены гербы и флаги всех ...

Janet Zandy

Hands: Physical Labor, Class, And Cultural Work

Book DescriptionWhat are two hands worth? In linking forms of cultural expression to labor, occupational injuries, and deaths, Hands: Physical Labor, Class, and Cultural Work centers what is usually decentered??the complex culture of...

Carson Dunlop

Principles of Home Inspection: Gas & Oil Furnaces (Principles of Home Inspection)

Book Description Home inspectors must understand how heat is generated, how it is spread around, how it is controlled and how it is made safe. This text also discusses how to discard the waste products of heating, how much heat is needed, and why...

Daniel Lederman

The Political Economy Of Protection: Theory And The Chilean Experience (Social Science History)

Book Description"The Political Economy of Protection" explains why countries, especially developing countries, change their trade policies over the course of history. It does so through an interdisciplinary approach, which borrows analyses from...

Rolf G. Renner


Book DescriptionConsidered the first important American painter in 20th-century art, Edward Hopper (1882-1967) used color and light to create a mood of transcendent melancholy in images of the streets, houses, and lost souls of pre- and postwar...

Allen Eastman

Alive 5 Times

Book DescriptionReincarnation researcher Allen Eastman has written the most compelling account of past lives you will ever read! He recounts five of them in vivid detail: 1. As an American Indian shaman whose spirit guide helps her survive the ...

Morinda Citrifolia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

Book DescriptionIn March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information...

Mary Lambert

An Introduction to Reiki: Healing Energy for Mind, Body and Spirit

Book Description The Japanese art of Reiki involves the laying on of hands to alleviate physical and mental pain-and this beginner's guide explains how anyone can become a healer using this powerful, and increasingly popular, form of massage....

Paul Love

Beginning Unix (Programmer to Programmer)

Book Description* Covering all aspects of the Unix operating system and assuming no prior knowledge of Unix, this book begins with the fundamentals and works from the ground up to some of the more advanced programming techniques * The authors...

J. M. Barrie

Peter Pan

Book DescriptionAs a baby, Peter Pan fell out of his carriage and was taken by fairies to Neverland. There he can fly and is the champion of the Lost Boys and a friend to the fairy Tinker Bell. Revisiting England, Peter becomes involved with Wendy...

<<<  L. J. DeCuir. Using 3D Studio MAX, Painter, and Poser             Исаак Линдер, Владимир Линдер. Вильгельм ... >>>

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