Антонио Табукки

Утверждает Перейра

Книга "Утверждает Перейра" принесла автору мировую известность. Роман получил 4 итальянские премии (включая "Премию читателей"), был экранизирован (в главной роли - Марчелло Мастрояни). Коллизия романа по существу близка советской истории: действие...

Мифы и верования кельтов

Объяснения таинственных кельтских верований. Изображения кельтских богов и богинь. Увлекательное введение в жизнь языческого общества. ...

Thomas T. Fetters

Lustron Homes: The History of a Postwar Prefabricated Housing Experiment

Advertised as "a new standard for living," the Lustron Home was introduced in 1948 in response to the urgent need for housing for veterans returning from World War II and their rapidly growing families. These enameled steel, prefabricated...

Subroto Roy

The Philosophy of Economics : On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry (International Library of Philosophy)

The Philosophy of Economics is the first work to seriously and successfully bridge twentieth-century economics and twentieth-century philosophy. In this important and ambitious work, Subroto Roy draws these two disciplines together and examines the...

Jozef Keulartz, Jozef Northals, Michiel Korthals, Michiel Schermer, Swierstra Swierstrak

Pragmatist Ethics for a Technological Culture

Our technological culture has an extremely dynamic character: old ways of reproducing ourselves, managing nature and keeping animals are continually replaced by new ones; norms and values with respect to our bodies, food production, health care and...

Nancy Hyer, Urban Wemmerlov

Reorganizing the Factory: Competing Through Cellular Manufacturing

Cellular manufacturing principles, applied to either administrative work or production, are fundamental building blocks for lean and quick response organizations. Reorganizing the Factory is the definitive reference book in this important area. ...

Monte Lee Matthews

Knowledge-Driven Profit Improvement: Implementing Assessment Feedback Using PDKAction Theory

This book presents an innovative and radically logical way of thinking about organizational knowledge and competition that centers on discipline, integration and focus. By tapping into the previously unrealized strengths that lie in all companies,...

Lucinda Bassett

Life Without Limits

In Life Without Limits, Bassett asks, "If you could have, do, and be anything right now, what would you ask for?" Eight out of ten people are unable to answer this simple question. How about you? Do you know how to get what you want?...

Raymond L. Hilgert

Cases in Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations

Hilgert is the only non-custom product on the market to offer an anthology of cases for the labor relations/ collective bargaining course. It contains an extensive set of cases dealing with Union/ Management problem situations. The cases vary in...

David L. Johnson

Symmetries (Critical Reports on Applied Chemistry)

Written by the author of Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets the main object of study for this book is geometry, with group theory providing an appropriate language in which to express geometrical ideas. Key features include: -An overview of the...

P.-J Proudhon, Donald R. Kelley, Bonnie G. Smith

What Is Property? (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

This is a new translation of one of the classics of the traditions of anarchism and socialism. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a contemporary of Marx and one of the most acute, influential, and subversive critics of modern French and European society....

<<<  В. В. Попков. Банки на переходе             Исаак Линдер, Владимир Линдер. Вильгельм ... >>>

Майкл Ли Уэст. Американский пирог Л. Н. Гумилев. Древняя Русь и Великая степь Tarkan. Come Closer. Cуперзвезда танцевальной музыки! Его альбомы продаются Статистика Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. Management Агния Барто. Игрушки Status Quo. In Search Of The Fourth Chord. Suzanne French-Wilson. Lunch is on Your Нигма Вакансии Корбина Е. В. Дьяконова, Р. Х. Жарова. Тесты по немецкому языку. 5 класс. К учебнику Виртуальные открытки Погода Гете. Гете. Фауст
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