Mark Kempf

The TL 9000 Guide for Auditors

The TL 9000 Guide for Auditors is an easy to use tool for both experienced and novice telecommunications auditors who want a better understanding of the TL9000 standard. Written by an experienced auditor, this book explains TL9000...

Nathan Rosenberg

Inside the Black Box

Economists have long treated technological phenomena as events transpiring inside a black box and, on the whole, have adhered rather strictly to a self-imposed ordinance not to inquire too seriously into what transpires inside that box. The purpose...

The Monk and the Riddle: The Art of Creating a Life While Making a Living

What would you be willing to do for the rest of your life . . . ? It's a question most of us consider only hypothetically-opting instead to "do what we have to do" to earn a living. But in the critically acclaimed bestseller The Monk...

Nikolaos Zahariadis

Markets, States, and Public Policy: Privatization in Britain and France

The past decade has witnessed a worldwide and more-or-less irreversible shift away from state ownership. This "megatrend" is expected to last well into the next millennium. Given policymakers' previous strong inclination towards nationalization...

David R. Schwandt, Michael J. Marquardt

Organizational Learning From World Class Theories to Global Best Practices

Companies around the world are beginning to recognize that only by increasing the speed and quality of their learning can they succeed in the rapidly changing global marketplace. Developing organization-wide learning and becoming a learning...

Marika Stone, Howard Stone

Too Young to Retire: 101 Ways to Start the Rest of Your Life

With Americans living longer, healthier lives, the conventional idea of retirement is obsolete. Millions of Americans are working past the age of sixty-five?not because they have to, but because they want to. Many, like Marika and Howard...

Jack Stack, Bo Burlingham

A Stake in the Outcome: Building a Culture of Ownership for the Long-Term Success of Your Business

The First Management Classic of the New Millennium! A bold experiment is taking place these days, as leading-edge companies turn upside down the management paradigm that has dominated corporate thinking for more than one hundred years....

Allen W., Ph.D. Smith

The Looting of Social Security: How the Government Is Draining Americas Retirement Account

Every cent generated by the 1983 Social Security tax increase-money ostensibly earmarked and saved for the retirement of the baby-boom generation-is gone, spent by our government. But most Americans are ignorant of the crime. The emptying of the...

Jay Liebowitz

Knowledge Management: Learning from Knowledge Engineering

Knowledge Management (KM) is strongly rooted in the discipline of Knowledge Engineering (KE), which in turn grew partly out of the artificial intelligence field. Despite their close relationship, however, many KM specialists have failed to fully...

Paul Dolan, Thom Elkjer

True to Our Roots: Fermenting a Business Revolution

True to Our Roots is the story of one company's progressive and inspiring agenda to change the very nature of the California wine industry. Paul Dolan, the CEO of Fetzer Vineyards, realized in the early 1990s that deep and lasting change was...

William J. Molloy

The Complete Home Buyer's Bible

Buying a home from the ground up—Tells you absolutely everything you need to know about every aspect of buying any type of home . . . step-by-step and in plain English From property inspections to mortgages, from land surveys to titles...

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