J. Forbes Munro

Maritime Enterprise and Empire : Sir William Mackinnon and His Business Network, 1823-1893

This book explores the nineteenth century roots of globalisation through the activities of the enterprise network created by the Scottish merchant, William Mackinnon. It follows the rise of the family-led business group from its modest origins in...

Paul Bernstein

American Work Values: Their Origin and Development

American Work Values: Their Origin and Development examines the broad shifts in American work values from their European origins to the present. It analyzes shifts from work as salvation to work as opportunity and alienation, and concludes...

Robbie Miller Kaplan

How to Say It in Your Job Search

In order for job hunters to be successful, they must know how to communicate their skills, strengths, and qualifications quickly and distinctively. How to Say It® in Your Job Search provides readers with what they actually need to say at each...

Dan Schiller

Digital Capitalism: Networking the Global Market System

The networks that comprise cyberspace were originally created at the behest of government agencies, military contractors, and allied educational institutions. Over the past generation or so, however, a growing number of these networks began to...

Paul McClure

A Guide to the World Bank

A Guide to the World Bank is a reference guide to the five institutions that make up the World Bank Group: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International...

Chandler Allen Phillips

Human Factors Engineering

Apply Engineering Fundamentals to Human Factors Applications With a sound qualitative, mathematical approach, this new book shows how to use fundamental engineering skills to solve human factors application problems. As readers learn to use the same...

Wouter Van Dieren

Taking Nature into Account: A Report to the Club of Rome : Toward a Sustainable National Income

Indicators used to direct economic policy (GDP, national income, etc.) are based on a number of factors-but nowhere in their calculations is there an acknowledgement of the degradation of natural resources. The numbers may not tell the whole story:...

F. Barry Lawrence, Daniel F. Jennings, Brian E. Reynolds, Barry Lawrence


E-Distribution provides an understanding of the role of the distributor in the supply chain and presents an E-Business Model that allows the integration of the customer into the distributor's operations. E-Distribution was developed from nine...

Richard E. Mallory

Management Strategy: Creating Excellent Organizations

Management Strategy: Creating Excellent Organizations is a unique how-to guide for organizational improvement which is designed for leaders at any level in private, public or non-profit organizations. You will want to read this book if you are...

James Edwin Alexander

Grassroots Publishing: How to Start Your Own Publishing Firm

Grassroots Publishing is a handy reference that will help you start, organize, and operate your own publishing firm. It may not be the last book you read on the subject, but it ought to be the first. Its information-packed pages provide a...

Martin Sitter, Robert Brock

Apple Pro Training Series: Logic 6

If you've ever dreamed of setting up your own recording studio, Apple's newly acquired Logic high-end audio software is the perfect place to start, and this Apple-certified book provides the training you need to begin creating audio master works...

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