Richard Maxwell

Culture Works: The Political Economy of Culture (Cultural Politics)

When we read best-selling books, go to movies, visit art museums, go dancing, take in a game, we customarily ignore the political economy that hammers these features of culture into shape; normally, at such times, we're not thinking about corporate...

Gene Perret, Gene Using Humor for Effective Business Speaking Perret

Business Humor: Jokes & How To Deliver Them

"We have a fellow in our office who accumulates a lot of absenteeism. I said to the boss one day, `Why don't you fire him?' He said, `Fire him? I don't even know what he looks like.'" Have fun with these jokes and jests about the workplace. All the...

Stacey Hall, Jan Brogniez

Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity

Most businesses spend far too much of their time and energy struggling to get new customers or hang on to existing ones?even customers who are ultimately more trouble than they?re worth. Attracting Perfect Customers invites readers to move...

Carol A. Ptak, Eli Schragenheim

ERP: Tools, Techniques, and Applications for Integrating the Supply Chain, Second Edition

Completely revised and updated, ERP: Tools, Techniques, and Applications for Integrating the Supply Chain, Second Edition describes, from the perspective of a business manager, concepts and tools for enterprise planning, management, and execution....

Lawrence A. Stuenkel

From Here ... to There: A Self-Paced Program for Transition in Employment

From Here To There is the most complete treatise of its kind on transitioning in employment: no other book author has captured the dynamics of finding a new position or changing positions, whether the individual is employed or unemployed. The format...

Michael Hoel

Recent Developments in Environmental Economics (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series)

This two-volume collection includes the most important and influential contributions to environmental economics during the last ten years. The articles cover a broad range of topics, and the collection gives an excellent overview of the present...

Joiner Associates Staff, Sue Reynard, Dale Mann

Pareto Charts: Plain & Simple

Pareto Charts describes how to use this special kind of bar chart to break down problems and focus on the most important parts. The information is presented in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner through a series of exercises and case...

David Shirreff

Dealing with Financial Risk (The Economist Series)

Risk is an intrinsic component of finance that both dictates and complicates investments and companies. This book offers an exceptionally thorough and ambitious introduction to financial risk and risk management?direct from the capital markets...

Frank J. Fabozzi

Investing in Asset-Backed Securities (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)

A collection of articles from various professionals, discussing the details of investing in asset-backed securities. Main topics addressed include non-real estate backed ABS, collateralized debt obligations, residential real-estate backed ABS,...

Hazardous Waste Compliance

Hazardous Waste Compliance concentrates on government regulations as they relate to hazardous waste and other hazardous materials. The main focus of this book is on how to comply with these requirements as well as on other best management practices...

Debra Cameron

Implementing Next-Generation E-Business Strategies

Web sites are accommodating a new business model based on e-commerce that encompasses much more than Internet sales. According to Zona Research, 85% of organizations surveyed had implemented or planned to implement this e-business model. ...

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Чебоксары, Якутск, Первоуральск, Сыктывкар, Уссурийск, Омск, Архангельск, Рыбинск, Грозный, Артём, Ангарск, Нальчик, Йошкар-Ола, Тобольск, Канск, Томск, Сочи, Новокузнецк, Тобольск, Дзержинск, Камышин, Таганрог, Москва, Первоуральск, Старый Оскол, Ростов-на-Дону, Майкоп,
Шейпинг| Энциклопедические словари| Куклы| Бизнес-планирование| Философия| Молодежные драмы| Теннис| Кредит. Аренда. Лизинг| Стратегии (Strategy)| Аэробика| Видеоклипы| Педиатрия| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции| Эстрада| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Программы об армии, самообороне, оружии| Детский детектив| Справочная литература по строительству| Энциклопедии, справочники| Торговля.Продажи| Биология| Иронический детектив| Транспорт| Постановки балета| Хирургия| Драмы отношений| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Домоводство, кулинария| Экономика| Каталоги| Постановки балета| Восточные единоборства| Древний мир| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Хоккей| Ужасы| Криминальные мелодрамы| Баскетбол|
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