Tim Hindle

Guide to Management Ideas

The definitive guide to the most influential 100 management ideas of the past 100 years. A lot has changed in the way businesses have been managed in the last hundred years. This lively and authoritative guide explores the hundred ideas that...

Harold A. Hovey, The Century Foundation/Twentieth Century Fund

The Devolution Revolution Can the States Afford Devolution?

One underlying premise of the move toward devolution is that states are more capable of successfully managing various tasks than the federal government because they are better able to adapt to the particular challenges within their borders. The...

Raimo Vayrynen, Canadian-U.S. Conference on Global Governance, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Globalization and Global Governance

The world is becoming more integrated and interdependent, heightening the need for new approaches to global governance. How can the international community collectively respond to pressing global problems? What kinds of institutions are needed, and...

Susan Villani

Mentoring Programs for New Teachers: Models of Induction and Support

Foreword by Charlotte Danielson Get started on the right mentoring model to establish a program that will affect hiring, orientation, teacher effectiveness, and staff morale for the...

Stephen Elias

Trademark: Legal Care for Your Business & Product Name (Trademark, 6th Ed)

Trademarks -- the names and symbols that identify your business, brand and products in the marketplace --are important assets that you need to choose carefully, then vigilantly protect. With Trademark, you get the most up-to-date information...

Ben Willmore

Adobe Photoshop CS Studio Techniques

If you're ready to go from Photoshop competent to Photoshop enlightened, this is the place to turn. In these pages, revered Photoshop instructor Ben Willmore explains the whys behind the how's so that you can unleash Photoshop CS' full creative...

Atec and Xnet Information Systems

The Internet Watchdog Personal Edition Windows

This network version of the popular Internet WatchDog allows the employer to monitor and record all computer activity -- (even OFF the Internet) by taking random screen captures, logging all computer applications, and recording downloaded...

Bob Cancilla

IBM eServer iSeries: Built for e-business

Internet technology has unquestionably revolutionized the way business is conducted today. It has opened up unprecedented opportunities at affordable prices for real-time collaboration between businesses. It has made the computing resources of...


Learning Microsoft Works 4 for Windows 95

Step-by-step concepts, exercises, keystrokes, and applications enable you to learn Works 4 for Windows 95 quickly and easily. Beginner through expert levels. Spiral binding keeps pages flat. Free color template on the back cover....

Сказания о Троянской войне / Tales of the Trojan War

Война между Грецией и Троей спровоцирована бегством прекраснейшей Елены, жены греческого царя Менелая, с Парисом, троянским царевичем. Десять лет бушуют битвы, сыплются копья и стрелы. Греческие и троянские воины (Патрокл, Ахилл, Гектор)...

Е. Ю. Северинова

Готовые экзаменационные ответы. Английский язык. 11 класс

Настоящее пособие содержит экзаменационные вопросы по английскому языку и ответы на них для выпускников 11-х классов общеобразовательных учреждений и охватывает базовые знания, полученные учениками в средней школе....

<<<  Каневский З.М.. Жить для возвращения: Автобиографическая ...             Исаак Линдер, Владимир Линдер. Вильгельм ... >>>

КМ А. А. Веремчук. Путеводитель по Монако Путешествия Бесплатный хостинг И. Л. Дубровский, И. А. Кусый, Е. А. Левицкая. Замки Луары Е. Карганова, О. Ордынская, Н. Сендерова, М. Собе-Панек. Большая Работа Компактный MP4 Flash-плеер BBK V11 video 4 Гб оснащен высококачественным Яков Нерсесов, Владимир Волков. Война народная. Великая Отечественная Иоганн Висс. Робинзоны Счетчик Aerosmith. Pandora's Box (3 CD). Представляем Вашему вниманию Л. Троцкий. Моя жизнь Русское радио Топ майл.ру
НижнийНовгород, Казань, Нижневартовск, Благовещенск, Набережные Челны, Артём, Москв, Майкоп, Калуга, Орск,
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