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Brian Lechem Chairman of the Board: A Practical Guide
Praise for Chairman of the Board "Board chairmen will find Brian Lechem?s book an excellent resource for addressing the issues that arise from the ongoing role of the chairman in managing the governance systems of their corporations." ...
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Douglas A. Gray Start and Run a Consulting Business
- Understand why people will pay for your opinion - Convert your knowledge into income - Learn from the author of 15 bestsellers...
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Allan M. Williams, Vladimir Balaz Tourism in Transition: Economic Change in Central Europe (Tourism, Retailing and Consumption)
Major changes have occurred in the tourism industries in Central Europe which have implications not just for the countries involved but for all of the tourism industries in Europe. Tourism in Transition provides a detailed analysis of...
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Lin Lean Lim, Lin L. Lim More & Better Jobs for Women: An Action Guide (Action Guides)
This guide to policy and program options is a major contribution to the successful implementation of the work initiated by two milestone conferences in 1995--the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing) and the World Summit on Social...
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Charles R. Miller, National Fire Protection Association 2002 NEC Residential Pocket Guide
Gain fast, easy access to the NEC® rules you need for residential work! Put the 2002 NEC into your pocket with this compact field guide providing select Code requirements for general residential work. Rules for 1- and 2-family dwellings are...
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Carol Kinsey Goman Managing in the Global Organization: Keys to Success in a Changing World
Tools for working successfully in today's global environment....
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Jean Dreze, Amartya Sen, Dreze Jean, Amartya Kumar Sen India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity
India's success in reducing endemic deprivation since Independence has been quite limited. Recent diagnoses of this failure of policy have concentrated on the counterproductive role of government regulation, and on the need for economic incentives...
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John H. Dunning Theories and Paradigms of International Business Activity: The Selected Essays of John H. Dunning (Dunning, John H. Essays. V. 1.)
This volume contains a selection of John Dunning?s best known and highly acclaimed writings on the theory of international business activity. Spanning more than three decades, the 16 contributions trace the evolution of his thoughts and ideas...
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John C. Maxwell The 21 Most Powerful Minutes In A Leader's Day <i>revitalize Your Spirit And Empower Your Leadership</i>
In the spirit of his best-selling The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader , John Maxwell offers thoughts on proven leadership qualities and crucial issues that affect leadership success. ...
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David Middlewood, Neil Burton Managing the Curriculum (Educational Management, Research and Practice)
Keeping the focus clearly on learning and teaching, the authors explore the practical issues for managers at the institutional level, within the context of their need to understand and analyze key educational values and principles....
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George H. Wallace, Chuck Gloman 202 Digital Photography Solutions: Solve Any Digital Camera Problem in Ten Minutes or Less
The digital photography market has exploded to the point that consumers now buy as many digital cameras as traditional ones. Professional and amateur photographers are busy working out how digital technology can expand the pictures they can take and...
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Домой 100 Hits Blues Rock (mp3). Общее время звучания - 7 ч. 54 мин.
Виртуальные открытки
Srikanth Reddy. Facts for Visitors : Poems (New
Д. В. Ольшанский. Новая педагогическая психология
А. Тишков. Дзержинский
Kimber Charles Pearce, Charles Pearce. Rostow, Kennedy,
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Лубянка. Из истории отечественной контрразведки. Книга посвящена истории
Edgar Allan Poe, Antonella Caputo, Rick Geary, J.
Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации.
Новороссийск, Норильск, Одинцово, Петрозаводск, Одинцово, Ижевск, Тверь, Орехово-Зуево, Назрань, Елец, Сочи, Улан-Удэ, Электросталь, Екатеринбург, Мурманск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Сыктывкар, Сыктывкар, Старый Оскол, Прокопьевск, Энгельс, Глазов, Челябинск, Элиста, Улан-Удэ, Шахты, Одинцово, Саранск, Екатеринбург, Нижнекамск,
Экранизации остросюжетной литературы| Социальные драмы| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Двадцатый век| Криминальные комедии| Природа| Цирк. Цирковое искусство| Суд. Адвокатура. Правоохранительные органы| Право. Юридические науки| Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Индийские видеоклипы| Интернет-маркетинг. Интернет-реклама| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Социология| Видеоуроки и обучающие программы| Авторское право| Криминальные фильмы| Изобразительное искусство. Архитектура. Альбомы| Психология| Археология| Документальный кинематограф| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Итальянский язык| Вторая мировая война| Кредит. Аренда. Лизинг| Биографии писателей| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| На немецком языке| Международное право| Языки программирования (прочие)| Книжная полка. Поэзия для детей| Военные фильмы|
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