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Ю. И. Пахомова Земельное право в вопросах и ответах. Учебное пособие
В учебном пособии кратко изложены все наиболее важные темы курса "Земельное право", включаемые в билеты для экзаменов и зачетов по данному предмету. Избранная автором форма изложения позволяет быстро и легко восстановить в памяти,...
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Frederick Cooper, Randall Packard International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge
During the past fifty years, colonial empires around the world have collapsed and vast areas that were once known as "colonies" have become known as "less developed countries" or "the third world." The idea of developmentand the relationship...
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Samuel Cohn Race, Gender, and Discrimination at Work (Foundation of Social Inquiry)
A bold and unorthodox introduction to the debates surrounding race and gender at work that uses historical and numerical evidence to debunk myths about the causes and effects of discrimination at work....
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Scott J. Callan, Janet M. Thomas Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy and Applications With Economic Applications Card and Infotrac College Edition
By retaining a strong focus on policy and real-world issues, Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy and Applications, provides an applied, practical approach to environmental economic theory accessible to students with minimal or...
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Gary S. Topchik Managing Workplace Negativity
The symptoms: increased customer complaints, high turnover, low quality of work, increased absences, loss of morale and motivation, lack of creativity and innovation, loss of loyalty to the organization. The diagnosis: workplace negativity. The...
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Patricia Kishel Growing Your Own Business: Growth Strategies for Meeting New Challenges and Maximizing Success
Starting a business is one thing, making it succeed is another. Once the seed for a business has been planted, how do you make it grow? Picking up where other small business management books leave off, Growing Your Own Business helps you deal...
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Regina Kaiser, Agustin Maravall Measuring Business Cycles in Economic Time Series (Lecture Notes in Statistics (Springer-Verlag), 154)
The book centers on the problem of measuring business cycles in economic time series. Business cycle assessment is crucial to monitoring the economy, as well as to the conduct of macroeconomic policy, but decades of research have shown that the...
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Alex Wilmerding Inside the Minds: Venture Capital Exit Strategies: Selling a VC-Backed Company with the Right Terms and at the Highest Valuation
Inside the Minds: Venture Capital Exit Strategies is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the ways in which VCs, Entrepreneurs, and other investors look to capitalize on exiting a venture-backed company. From the ideal scenarios such as an M&A...
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John E. Flaherty, John E. Flaherty Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind--How the World's Foremost Management Thinker Crafted the Essentials of Business Success
A Definitive Overview of Peter Drucker's Contributions to Management "Flaherty has accomplished the impossible: making a systematic thinker out of me. I am particularly impressed by his skill in balancing chronology and themes, and that over a...
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Mike Kuniavsky Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)
The gap between who designers and developers imagine their users are, and who those users really are can be the biggest problem with product development. Observing the User Experience will help you bridge that gap to understand what your users want...
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Bruce Ellsworth Davis, Bruce Davis GIS :A Visual Approach
This fully updated edition of Geographic Information Systems: A Visual Approach offers a comprehensive introduction to the application of GIS concepts. The unique layout provides clear, highly intuitive graphics and corresponding concept...
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Домой Почта
И. Б. Михайловская. Настольная книга судьи по доказыванию в уголовном
Саманта Дэниелс. Правила съема
Алексей Витаков. В тени от облака. Сквозь дворы; ППШ; Портянка
Поиск мета
Ken Blanchard, Don Shula. Everyone's a Coach
Даниил Коцюбинский. Новейшая история одного города. Очерки политической
Сызрань, Шахты, Артём, Находка, Пятигорск, Воронеж, Хасавюрт, Коломна, Липецк, Барнаул, Златоуст, Находка, Норильск, Киров, Владимир, Камышин, Тамбов, Вологда, Муром, Липецк, Волгоград, Мурманск, Белгород, Балаково, Сургут, Батайск, НижнийНовгород, Междуреченск,
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