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Ronald E. Yates The Kikkoman Chronicles: A Global Company With a Japanese Soul
An excellent resource for people who want to understand how personal computers work and how to fix them when the fail....
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Roger E. Backhouse New Directions in Economic Methodology (Economics As Social Theory)
This book reflects the diversity of recent work in the field of economic methodology. Its contributors are responsible for the major developments in this field and together they give an account of all the major positions which currently prevail in...
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John F. McDonald, Edmond L. D'Ouville, Louie Nan Liu Economics of Urban Highway Congestion and Pricing (TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH, ECONOMICS AND POLICY Volume 9)
Economics of Urban Highway Congestion and Pricing offers the most extensive examination to date of the relationship between congestion tolls and highway capacity in the long run. This study breaks new ground in the economic theory of optimal road...
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Charles Kostelnick, David D. Roberts Designing Visual Language: Strategies for Professional Communicators (Part of the Allyn & Bacon Series in Technical Communication)
More often workplace writing and document design takes a backseat in a company's mission/product. This book offers strategies and tools for document design of ALL types. Readers will extend to visual design the approach they assimilate in their...
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Hans Kasper, Piet van Helsdingen, Wouter de Vries Services Marketing Management: An International Perspective
Services Marketing Management provides students with an understanding of services marketing in an international context. Based on the authors views about the essence of marketing in concepts such as market orientation, long-term relationships,...
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Dr. Seuss You're Only Old Once! A Book for Obsolete Children
A humorous look at aging and the many different types of medical care "obsolete children" must endure. Color illustrations accompany the text. Dr. Seuss lightens the aches and pains of growing old with his inimitable wit and wisdom. In this...
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Michael D. Swaine, Donald P. Henry China: Domestic Change and Foreign Policy
This report analyzes the implications of political-military, social, intellectual, and economic change within China for the evolution of Chinese foreign policy over the next 10-15 years. The purpose of such analysis is to discern whether and how the...
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Partha Dasgupta, Karl-Goran Maler The Economics of Non-Convex Ecosystems (Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources, V. 4)
Economists all too often assume that ecosystem and population dynamics are subject to convex (even linear) processes. However, research by ecosystem and population ecologists has shown that the processes in question are very often non-convex. This...
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Colin Hay, David Marsh Demystifying Globalization (Globalization and Governance)
Globalization has, within academic, political, and business circles alike, become the buzz-word of the 1990s, conjuring an ever growing diversity of associations, connotations, and attendant mythologies. In this volume a distinguished array of...
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Roger Palmer, Richard Brookes The New Global Marketing Reality
Marketing practices have fundamentally changed over the past decade. This book documents the nature of these changes, examines their impact on marketers and marketing, explains the results of a major international study into the changing nature...
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Alex E. Willis, Paul R. Bebelos, Robert A. Saccone Web Development with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
* If you want to take advantage of Exchange 2000 Server's development platform for your company's internet, intranet and business applications, this is the guide for you. * Rob and Alex targeted this book for IT developers who need to build...
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Г. П. Гусев. Методика преподавания народного танца. Упражнения
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Сергей Рахманинов. Романсы. Рахманинов один из наиболее многогранных,
Brian Dive. The Healthy Organization: A Revolutionary Approach To People
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Джеймс Хэдли Чейз. Джеймс Хэдли Чейз. Полное собрание сочинений в тридцати
Mark Boscacci. Adobe Premiere (CD-ROM)
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