Живые барометры рядом с нами

Едва ли найдется человек, который не интересуется прогнозом погоды, хотя синоптики порой и ошибаются. Есть ли альтернатива прогнозам синоптиков? Есть. Ученые называют сейчас около 600 видов животных и 400 видов растений, которые могут выступать как...

Дж. Фаст

Знак чувства бессловесный

Издание 1996 года. Сохранность хорошая. Два произведения американских авторов, включенные в эту книгу, посвящены невербальной коммуникации (общению без слов) и помогут каждому научиться видеть внутренний мир собеседника, партнера по переговорам...

James M. Citrin, Richard A. Smith

The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers: The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction

What is different about the careers of people like Lou Gerstner, the acclaimed, recently retired chairman and CEO of IBM? Or Senator Elizabeth Dole, Yahoo! COO Dan Rosensweig, and Tom Freston, chairman and CEO of MTV Networks? Why did they...

Cheryl McLean

Careers for Shutterbugs & Other Candid Types, 2nd Ed.

The only career series designed expressly to turn passions into paychecks! The Careers for You series inspires career explorers to look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. Each book reveals dozens of...

John H. McConnell

How to Design, Implement, and Interpret an Employee Survey

Employee opinion is the most important barometer of employment conditions at any company. But marshalling hundreds (or thousands) of individual perceptions into a cohesive workplace initiative demands an organized approach. McConnell presents a...

Peter Block

Stewardship: Choosing Service over Self-Interest

In this revolutionary book, Peter Block shows how a far-reaching redistribution of power, privilege, and wealth will radically change all areas of organizational governance, and shows why this is our best hope to enable democracy to thrive, our...

Eddy Kay

Thriving in the Shadow of Giants: How to Find Success as an Independent Retailer

From bookstores to stereo shops, independent retailers have been struggling to stay alive in the shadow of the superstore giants. In this new book from The Armarium Press, international speaker and sales trainer Eddy Kay shows small business owners...

Ellen J. Gaucher, Richard James Coffey

Breakthrough Performance

Transform your organization. Learn to inspire the critical shared sense of urgency that is key to effective and successful innovation with acclaimed quality management gurus Ellen Gaucher and Richard Coffey as your guides. Drawing on analysis of the...

Richard A., Jr Brisbin

A Strike Like No Other Strike: Law & Resistance During the Pittston Coal Strike of 1989-1990

The miners' strike against Pittston Coal in 1989?1990, which spread throughout southwestern Virginia, southern West Virginia, and eastern Kentucky, was one of the most important strikes in the history of American labor, and, as Richard Brisbin...

Krishna G., Ph.D. Palepu, Paul M., Ph.D. Healy, Victor L., Ph.D. Bernard, Paul M. Healy

Business Analysis & Valuation: Using Financial Statements : Text & Cases

Financial statements are the basis for a wide range of business analysis. Managers, securities analysts, bankers and consultants all use them to make business decisions. There is strong demand among business students for course materials that...

Lynda Weinman, William Weinman

creative html design.2 (2nd Edition)

It?s time. International best-selling author, Lynda Weinman, circles back to update this HTML guide and to add her unique creative energy and wisdom to The first edition is best known for its unique quality of...

<<<  Омар Хайям. Как чуден милой лик. Рубаи             The Norton Anthology of English Literature, ... >>>

Бояркин О.М.. Физика массивных нейтрино. Изд.2 Вики Работа Яндекс Harvard Business Review. When Good People Behave Badly (Harvard Business Газета.ру Погода Новости В. Кротов. Адмирал Колчак (аудиокнига МР3) ЖЖ Работа Поиск людей Погода Эрнест Хемингуэй. За рекой, в тени деревьев Яхо Jim Davis. Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack: A triple helping of classic Поиск работы Н. Карпов. Крым-Галлиполи-Балканы Русское радио Знакомства Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll (DS). Присоединяйтесь к обезьянкам
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