John R. Hall

Reworking Class

The twelve essays in this volume propose new directions in the analysis of class. John R. Hall argues that recent historical and intellectual developments require reworking basic assumptions about classes and their dynamics. The contributors...

Nadene Peterson, Roberto Cortez Gonzalez

Career Counseling Models for Diverse Populations: Hands-On Applications for Practitioners

This casebook is an excellent resource for counselors working with clients from diverse populations who have career concerns. It contains practical, up-to-date material which counselors will find useful in working with selected clients and describes...

Mark Daniel Barringer

Selling Yellowstone: Capitalism and the Construction of Nature

For over a century, Yellowstone National Park has been a monument to wildness in America. But long before flames swept through Yellowstone in 1988, that wildness had come under fire from encroachments that were making the park one of our nation's...

Jurg Niehans

A History of Economic Theory: Classic Contributions, 1720-1980

A History of Economic Theory offers a comprehensive account of the builders and building blocks of modern mainstream economics. Jurg Niehans shows how the analytical tools used by economists have evolved from the eighteenth century to the present....

Robin Broad

Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Philippines (Studies in International Political Economy, No 19)

In this seminal work, U.S. development specialist Robin Broad chronicles the Philippine experiment with the structural adjustment model of development espoused by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund....

Marino Specogna

A Convicted Stock Manipulators Guide to Investing

Marino Specogna is a convicted stock market manipulator who exposes in a straight forward manner the deceptive techniques used by manipulators and traders to scam your hard earned dollars. The book goes into detail on the factors an individual...

Ronald R. Sims, John G. Veres, Katherine A. Jackson, Carolyn L. Facteau

The Challenge of Front-Line Management: Flattened Organizations in the New Economy

The authors of this unique book--among the first to see the ways in which management is becoming reconstructed and to understand what that means at all levels--lay out the key new roles that managers must play. They show that such tasks as strategic...

Michael Dawson

The Consumer Trap: Big Business Marketing in American Life (The History of Communication)

The Consumer Trap blows the lid off the trillion-dollar-a-year business marketing industry, explaining how it continues to soak up economic and environmental resources and dominate the personal lives of citizens. Flouting conventional...

Thomas A. Freese

Secrets of Question Based Selling: How the Most Powerful Tool in Business Can Double Your Sales Results

Would you like to increase your own selling results, or the performance of your entire sales team? The concept of Secrets of Question-Based Selling is founded on the idea that an effective salesperson knows what his or her prospect needs, then...

В. А. Сарычев

Александр Блок. Творчество жизни

Монография является первым в отечественной науке систематическим исследованием центральной для А.Блока проблемы "творчества жизни", позволяющей проанализировать органическое единство религиозных, философско-эстетических и художественных аспектов его...

Irwin R. Goodman, Ronald P. S. Mahler, Hung T. Nguyen, I. R. Goodman

Mathematics of Data Fusion (Theory and Decision Library. Series B, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Vol. 37)

Data fusion or information fusion are names which have been primarily assigned to military-oriented problems. In military applications, typical data fusion problems are: multisensor, multitarget detection, object identification, tracking, threat...

<<<  Н. Ф. Наумова. Рецидивирующая модернизация в России: беда, вина или ...             The Norton Anthology of English Literature, ... >>>

Б. Ю. Хигир. Имя, отчество и их влияние на сексуальность Компьютерные новости Fun Lovin' Criminals. Livin' In The City. КМ Стремление души. Фильм "Стремление души" о людях, которые, несмотря на Счетчик Игры Футбол
Москва , Ачинск, Димитровград, Уссурийск, Ухта, Новокуйбышевск, Элиста, Санкт-Петербург, Архангельск, Сочи, Воронеж, Ангарск, Сургут, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Нефтекамск, Томск, Артём, Электросталь,
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