Rob Reider

Operational Review 3E and Workbook - Set

An operational review (or audit) is an evaluation made of management's conformity with policy and budgets. The corporation and its operations are analyzed, including appraisal of structure, controls, procedures, and processes. The objective is to...

Thomas R. Ittelson, Thomas R. Ittleson

Financial Statements: A Step-By-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports

Finally, a resourceful and unique primer on financial statements that uses a creative and different approach to explain every kind of financial report a small business owner or manager needs to succeed. Through an unique visual approach, this book...

Handbook for Integrating Risk Analysis in the Economic Analysis of Projects

Aiming to support the development of a framework for the analysis of risk in project design and economic analysis, this handbook outlines technical approaches to modeling risk. Also summarized is the nature and practice of sensitivity analysis in...

William T. Shaw

Modeling Financial Derivatives With Mathematica (Includes CD-ROM)

One of the most important tasks in finance is to find good mathematical models for financial products, in particular derivatives. However, the more realistic the model, the more practitioners face still-unsolved problems in rigorous mathematics and...

G. Ottaviani, Italy) Afir International Colloquium 1993 Rome

Financial Risk in Insurance

This book, published with the contribution of the Italian insurance company INA, contains the invited contributions presented at the 3rd International AFIR Colloquium, held in Rome in 1993. The colloquium was aimed at encouraging research on the...

Richard Baisner

101 Stupid Things Employees Do To Sabotage Success

Go ahead and throw away your employee manual! This clever and insightful book will provide you with all the tools necessary to become employee of the year. The strategies in this book go beyond the simple rules of employment. Understand what it...

Robert H. Zedlitz

Getting a Job: Basic Process Kit

This special needs version of the popular Getting a Job Process Kit is designed specifically for users with reading difficulties. Written at an easier reading level, the kit contains the same information from preparing a resume to leaving a job...

Robert P. Giloth

Workforce Development Politics: Civic Capacity and Performance

If 88% of Americans believe that education and training resources should be available to the jobless and more than two-thirds of employers have identified workforce and skills shortages as top priorities, why aren't we, as a society, able to provide...

Claus Hofhansel

Commercial Competition and National Security: Comparing U.S. and German Export Control Policies

U.S. and German export control policies are compared, showing how these policies have responded to the changes in the international environment, including the end of the Cold War. The policy differences are explained through an analysis of...

Gretchen Hund, Jill Engel-Cox, Kim Fowler

A Communications Guide for Sustainable Development: How Interested Parties Become Partners

This guidebook is designed to assist industrial facility managers and their staff in designing and managing their communications and stakeholder involvement programs. It describes a step-by-step approach, provides case studies, and presents tools...

Michael A. Santoro

Profits and Principles: Global Capitalism and Human Rights in China

After the Tiananmen Square massacre, a vigorous international debate erupted, not only about human rights in China, but also about the role of multinational firms. Should corporations do business in China at all? Should corporations take a stand on...

<<<  Детская мода. Удобный для работы комплект из 20 карточек с моделями ...             М. Н. Голоднюк, Ю. Г. Козлов, Н. Ф. Кузнецова. Криминология. Учебное ... >>>

Агент майл.ру Christian N. Madu. Statistics As Easy As 1,2,3: With Microsoft Excel for 1 пропущенный звонок. Рендзи Исибаси ("Лишь А. Х. Абдрахманова, О. П. Шмакова, Е. С. Нефедьев. Элементы квантовой МСН В. М. Бухаров, Н. В. Чайковская, И. М. Канакова. HOUSTON/LARKIN. DAUGHERTY:JACKIE. Исполнитель: HOUSTON/LARKIN Альбом: Максим Калашников, Юрий Крупнов. Гнев орка Чат QIP.ру Игры Сад плененных сердец. Это незабываемые истории любви - сильной Погода Апорт Рефераты Развитие безбумажной технологии в организационных Футбол
Иваново, Калуга, Ставрополь, Балаково, Энгельс, Краснодар, Энгельс, Обнинск, Санкт-Петербург, Сургут, Псков, СергиевПосад, Бийск, ВеликийНовгород, Пермь, Майкоп, Калининград, Калининград, Бийск, Хабаровск, Новочеркасск, Люберцы, Елец, Краснодар, Ангарск, Дзержинск, Кызыл, Кызыл,
Релаксация| Книжная полка. Поэзия для детей| Эксцентрические комедии| Школа рисования| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Общество, история| Основы музыки| Детективы| Фильмы о террористах| Железнодорожный транспорт| Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Философия| Железнодорожный транспорт| Любовь и эротика| Кинофильмы для детей| Английский| Романтические приключения| Спортивные| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Аэробика| Поп-музыка| Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Психологические драмы| Другие языки| Отечественная фантастика| Естественные науки| Религия. Оккультизм. Эзотерика| Молодежные драмы| Мистические триллеры| ASP, Perl, CGI, Python для разработки Web-сайтов| Деловая литература| Отечественная история| Учебные фильмы по школьным предметам| Товары для активного отдыха| Управленческие решения| Классика| Науки о Земле| Религиоведение. История религий| Дизайн| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Налогообложение|
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