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Orlando A. Ochoa Growth, Trade and Endogenous Technology: A Study of Oecd Manufacturing
This is a parallel examination of long-run trade patterns and government policy issues, which completes a broader account of how knowledge-based growth in industrial output is at the heart of modern economic prosperity....
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Rong-I Wu, Yun-Peng Chu, Pacific Trade and Development Conference Business, Markets and Government in the Asia Pacific: Competition Policy, Convergence and Pluralism (Pacific Trade and Development Conference Series)
In this meticlously researched study, the authors analyse often thorny issues of industrial organisation, competition policy and liberalisation in the Asia-Pacific Region....
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Rosemary O'Leary, Robert F. Durant, Daniel J. Fiorino, Paul S. Weiland Managing for the Environment : Understanding the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Challenges (JOSSEY BASS NONPROFIT & PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SERIES)
Named Best Book in Public and Nonprofit Management, 1999-2000 Academy of Management Named Best Book in Environmental Management, 1999 American Society for Public Administration Leaking landfills, oil contamination, illegal...
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Bruce G. Carruthers, Sarah L. Babb Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure (Sociology for a New Century)
Economy//Society is an accessible introduction to the ways in which economic exchanges are embedded in social relationships. Bruce Carruthers and Sarah Babb tackle big issues and real problems with analytical power and lively...
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Peter Bachrach, Aryeh Botwinick Power and Empowerment: A Radical Theory of Participatory Democracy
What role should political theory play in activating workers to engage in class struggle to extend participatory rights in the workplace and, in the process, expand and revitalize American democracy? Bachrach and Botwinick argue that the answer is...
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Bernadette West The Reporter's Environmental Handbook
When an environmental news story breaks, the first place to turn for background on the issue is The Reporter's Environmental Handbook, now available in an updated and expanded third edition. Here, journalists can find the fast facts they need to...
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Suzanne Gust Not So Basic New Hire Orientation
This book is a complete guide in writing, implementing and running a new hire orientation program. The book contains 5 sections; Fundamentals, Example Programs, Sample memos and letters, checklists and forms and Activities. The book also comes with...
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Peter G. Aitken Excel Programming Weekend Crash Course (Weekend Crash Course)
* Thirty clearly defined lessons take the reader from understanding the parts of an Excel application into building applications to work with data, formulas, charts, and the enhanced XML capabilities of the new Excel "X" * Book is designed to...
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Robert Lair, Jason Lefebvre Pure ASP.NET: A Code Intensive Premium Reference
Pure ASP.NET is a premium reference for Active Server Pages development in the new Microsoft .NET Framework. Like all books in the Pure Series, Pure Active Server Pages.NET is comprised of 3 parts. Part I Conceptual Reference is a fast-paced...
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Tom Parker, Marcus Sachs, Eric Shaw, Ed Stroz, Matthew G. Devost Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind
The wonders and advantages of modern age electronics and the World Wide Web have also, unfortunately, ushered in a new age of terrorism. The growing connectivity among secure and insecure networks has created new opportunities for unauthorized...
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Brian Winston Media Technology and Society: A History : From the Telegraph to the Internet
How are media born? How do they change? And how do they change us? Media Technology and Society offers a comprehensive account of the history of communications technologies, from the printing press to the internet. Brian Winston argues...
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Каталог софта
Дэн Браун. Код да Винчи
Изучая кривую. Джон С. Дэвис ("У мести новое лицо"), Кронауэр Гэйл
Российская газета
David Byrne. Arboretum
Астрономия. Век ХХI. Книга посвящена современным проблемам астрономии:
А. Л. Венгер. Психологические рисуночные тесты. Иллюстрированное
David Malin, Katherine Roucoux. Heaven and
Поиск работы
Кэтрин Куртц. Скорбь Гвиннеда
О. М. Готлиб. Китай. Лингвострановедение
О. В. Мирошникова. Лирическая книга: архитектоника и поэтика (на материале
Все отдаю тебе. Салман Кхан ("Каждое любящее сердце",
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