Frank F. Fiore

Write a Business Plan In No Time (In No Time)

How many times have you thought about opening your own business? Is it a bakery to sell your delicious apple pies? Or maybe a financial consulting firm to help people safely invest their money? Or even an indulgent day-spa? The idea isgreat, but...

Opium Economy in Afganistan: An International Problem

Book DescriptionThis study examines Afghanistan?s opium economy in order to understand its dynamics, the reasons for its success, its beneficiaries and victims, and the problems it has caused domestically and abroad. The purpose of the study is...

Nigel Hill, John Brierley, Rob Macdougall

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

2 edition...

Sir John Gielgud

Pericles (Arkangel Shakespeare)

Book DescriptionPericles undergoes shipwreck, storm, and a tyrant's fury. He wins love only to have his family torn asunder, but what is lost may also be found. This strange and powerful tale of loss and recovery is the first of Shakespeare's late...

Stephen R. Prince

Movies and Meaning: An Introduction to Film, Third Edition

Book Description This comprehensive introduction to film focuses on three topics: how movies express meanings, how viewers understand those meanings, and how cinema focuses globally as both an art and a business. Using...

Fred Saberhagen

Berserker Man (The Berserker)

Book DescriptionFor countless millennia the dreadful Berserkerr fleets have ranged across the galaxy in a relentless war against all things living. Their equally relentless opponent has been one of the least evolved of intelligent species, for of...

Robert Chitham

The Classical Orders of Architecture, Second Edition

Book DescriptionThis is the only publication that presents a modern interpretation of the Classical Orders. The new edition of this successful title now includes the proportions in both metric and imperial measurements to make the orders more...

Phyllis Speight

Homoeopathy: A Home Prescriber

Book DescriptionHere is a work which simplifies the selection of the appropriate remedy....

Robin Robertson

Mortification : Writers' Stories of Their Public Shame

Book Description A writer's public life is not -- as is often thought -- a round of glamorous parties, prize-acceptance speeches, and triumphant readings to amphitheatres full of loyal, cheering fans; it is, in fact, a grim treadmill of...

Olivier Tiano

Dioses de Egipto (Tras los pasos de . . . Series)

Book Description Whether epic tale or legendary quest, the narrative texts in this series are adapted in a captivating style for each period, allowing the reader to follow the track of heroes and share their adventures, discover great...

Tejaswini Ganti

Bollywood: A Guidebook to Popular Hindi Cinema (Routledge Film Guidebooks)

Book Description"Bollywood" - once a tongue-in-cheek term used by the English-language media in India - has become the dominant global term to refer to the prolific Hindi language film industry located in Bombay (renamed Mumbai in 1995)....

<<<  Англо-русский синонимический словарь. Словарь содержит ...             Bob L. Emiliani, David Stec, Lawrence Grasso, James Stodder. ... >>>

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Орёл, Омск, Новый Уренгой, Махачкала, Подольск, Балаково, Новокузнецк, Шахты,
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