Л. Н. Толстой

Война и мир. Тома 1 и 2

В книгу вошли первый и второй том романа-эпопеи Л.Н.Толстого (1828 - 1910) `Война и мир`, обязательного для чтения и изучения в средней общеобразовательной школе....

В. А. Кутузов, В. Ф. Лепетюхин, В. Ф. Седов, О. Н. Степанов

Чекисты Петрограда на страже революции

Издание 1987 года. Сохранность хорошая. В историко-документальной книге рассказывается о том, как под руководством партии чекисты Петрограда разоблачали и пресекали деятельность разведок, выявляли заговоры, боролись с преступностью. Книга...

Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton

Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decison-Making

The Fourth Edition of Financial Accounting teaches accounting from both the preparer and user perspective. To lead students to a full understanding of the impact of financial statements on business decision-making, the authors use the financial...

Richard Marsden

The Nature of Capital : Marx After Foucault

The Nature of Capital: Marx After Foucault overturns the received wisdom on the incompatibility of the thought of Marx and Foucault to develop an original synthesis based on a critical realist re-reading of their work, and to understanding...

Richard H. Steckel, Roderick Floud

Health and Welfare During Industrialization (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)

In this unique anthology, Steckel and Floud coordinate ten essays that bring a new perspective to inquiry about standard of living in modern times. These papers are arranged for international comparison, and they individually examine evidence...

George S. Day, Paul J. H. Schoemaker

Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies such as the Internet and biotechnology have the potential to create new industries and transform existing ones. Incumbent firms, despite their superior resources, often lose out to smaller rivals in developing emerging...

Doug Guthrie

Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The Emergence of Capitalism in China

Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit is an innovative sociological examination of what is perhaps the main engine of economic reform in China, the large industrial firm. Doug Guthrie, who spent more than a year in Shanghai studying firms,...

William Emmons III

The Evolving Bargain: Strategic Implications of Deregulation and Privatization

Managing Opportunity and Risk in the New Market Economy Over the last two decades, deregulation and privatization have swept the globe, opening up a wide range of markets to private investment and heightened competition. But while the...

Eddie Yuen, Daniel Burton-Rose, George Katsiaficas

Confronting Capitalism: Dispatches from a Global Movement

This updated and expanded edition of The Battle of Seattle invites readers to join the intensive debates within the antiglobalization movement. The uprising against the World Trade Organization in 1999 was the most visible and dramatic protest in...

Robert Nadeau

The Wealth of Nature

Virtually all of the large-scale damage to the global environment is caused by global economic activities, and the vast majority of economic planners in both business and government have been trained in neoclassical economic theory. In this...

Wake Me When Ita??s Time to Work : Surviving Meetings, Office Games, and the People Who Love

This wisdom-filled and often amusing book prepares you for virtually every unpleasant business experience imaginable. Originally written as a father's advice to his children as they entered the workforce, it tellss what really awaits you behind...

<<<  Gerd Heuschmann. Tug of War: Classical Versus "Modern" ...             Bob L. Emiliani, David Stec, Lawrence Grasso, James Stodder. ... >>>

Копейка. Сергей Мазаев ("Новые бременские"), Андрей Краско ("Особенности Рассказы о природе и животных. В сборник известных русских писателей Elmus Wicker. Banking Panics of the Gilded Age (Studies in Macroeconomic Бесплатный хостинг М. Ю. Тихомиров. Бесплатное жилье для граждан, нуждающихся в жилищных помещениях. Народ.ру МТС Peter F. Drucker with Joseph A. Maciariello. The Daily Drucker: Газета.ру Компьютерные новости Гороскопы К. Г. Паустовский. Повесть о жизни. Книги 1-3. Далекие
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