Charles Cohen, Charles Cohen

Corporate Vices, Business Virtues: What to do When Your Corporation is Suffocating

"If you have been wondering over the last few years why much of received business wisdom and management consultant speak seemed to make no sense this book is a must. More Bill Bryson than McKinsey, Charles Cohen picks apart many business myths with...

Entrepreneur Magazine

Entrepreneur Magazine Guide to Raising Money : Guide to Raising Money (Entrepreneur Magazine Series (Paper))

The "small business authority" shows new and would-be entrepreneurs how to find money to grow their businesses. The book describes the pros and cons of a wide variety of funding sources, including banks, SBA offices, venture capitalists, online...

Richard E. Loyd

Electrical Raceways and Other Wiring Methods

If there is one book every professional electrical designer, installation electrician, electrical inspector, consulting engineer, and contractor cannot afford to be without, it's Electrical Raceways and Other Wiring Methods by the authority on all...

Andrew C. Sobel

State Institutions, Private Incentives, Global Capital (Michigan Studies in International Political Economy)

The growth of global finance since 1960 constitutes one of the most important transformations in social relations during the twentieth century. Using historical, statistical, and graphical techniques, State Institutions, Private Incentives,...

Voluntary Approaches for Environmental Policy: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Usage in Policy Mixes

Voluntary approaches, including negotiated agreements and public programs in which firms can participate, are increasingly supplementing or replacing other environmental policy instruments such as regulations, taxes, and tradable permits. However,...

Christopher Sheldon, Mark Yoxon

Installing Environmental Management Systems: A Step by Step Guide

An accessible, practical handbook for corporate executives and project managers on how to establish and maintain an effective environmental management system (EMS), including both ISO 14001 and the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). It...

Osman Suliman

China's Transition to a Socialist Market Economy

China's transition to a socialist market economy is unique and unprecedented, the result of China's ability to correct the "big bang" approach adopted by Eastern European countries when they attempted to achieve the same goal and because of its own...

Harvard Business Review on Developing Leaders. (HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PAPERBACK SERIES)

Most organizations struggle with the question of leadership. How do you identify leaders in the making? How do you train them, taking into account their unique strengths and weaknesses? This collection of articles examines the ways in which...

Harvard Business Review

When Good People Behave Badly (Harvard Business Review Management Dilemas)

A company is only as good as its people-but managing personalities is just as critical, and often more challenging, than managing talent. What would you do if: one of your star performers mistreated other workers; your best manager "lost it" and...

Stedman Graham, Lisa Delpy Neirotti, Joe Jeff Goldblatt

The Ultimate Guide to Sports Marketing

Sports marketing is heralded as one of the most prestigious, exciting, and popular fields in contemporary marketing. The number of related programs in colleges and universities has exploded, and companies tied with sports marketing handle thousands...

Sridhar S. Condoor, Sridhar Condoor

Modeling with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire

This book synergistically integrates the design process with the specific commands and procedures of Pro|ENGINEER through a unique presentation scheme. Users are first provided with the design information about the part or assembly and its design...

<<<  Камилл Бурникель. Темп. Селинунт, или Покои императора             Bob L. Emiliani, David Stec, Lawrence Grasso, James Stodder. ... >>>

А. Ф. Шрамченко. Командир и формирование его личности Путешествия Работа Нигма М. Клейн. Спроси меня о чем угодно Популярная художественная энциклопедия. Диск представляет Роберт Мастерс. Нейроречь. Преображает ваше Работа Раймон Казель. Иоанн Слепой. Граф Люксембурга, Лена Данилова. Пальчиковые игры Эфраим Севела. Викинг Газета.ру Павел Молитвин. Спутники Волкодава. Ветер удачи Келли К.. Температура повышается Корбина Лошадка-качалка. Мягкий конструктор. Мозаики Б. В. Гнеденко. Курс теории вероятностей А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Письма. В 3 томах. Ярослав Адрианов. Российские серебряные монеты 1832-1858 годов
Жуковский, Новокузнецк, Новочеркасск, Магнитогорск, Рубцовск, Череповец, Тула, Ногинск, Красноярск, Хасавюрт, Питер, Октябрьский, Дзержинск, Железнодорожный, Чита, Кызыл, ВеликийНовгород, ВеликийНовгород, Вологда,
Абитуриентам| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.| Комедийные боевики| Английский| Батально-исторические фильмы| Актеры.| Итальянский язык| Скульптура| Вестерны| Барды| Остросюжетные сериалы| Телесериалы| Документальный кинематограф| Религиоведение. История религий| Рыбалка|
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