Sonja Gallhofer

Accounting and Emancipation: Some Critical Interventions

Book DescriptionAccounting is a social practice: it should be evaluated in terms of its contribution to a notion of social well-being. In order to do this, this book elaborates a critique of contemporary accounting. The authors encourage those with...

Mats Larsson

The Limits of Business Development and Economic Growth : Why Business Will Need to Invest Less in the Future

Book Description There are limits to business development and economic growth. With the help of modern production and information technologies, companies are coming ever closer to the limits of what can be achieved but ultimately nothing can be...

Richard Young

Shooting Stars

Book DescriptionShooting Stars marks 30 years in the stellar career of celebrity photographer Richard Young, whose dazzling portfolio of images includes everyone from Jack Nicholson to Jackie Onassis, Al Pacino to Andy Warhol, Diana to Madonna....

Jeffrey Brown


Book DescriptionThe author of the autobiographical classics Clumsy and Unlikely takes a break from books about girls for this humorous short story collection featuring fiction, gags, and autobiography. Included are such gems as "My Brother Knows...

Jon Fauer

ARRICAM Book, Second Edition

Book DescriptionHere is Jon's 8th book on ARRI cameras, written by a cinematographer who uses the equipment. His breezy style makes you feel like you're working along with him on set or location. Complex terms seem simple. A hint of humor makes...

Sarah Peck

The New Shape of Suburbia

This book describes how consumer demands are changing, strategies for overcoming NIMBYism, and the latest trends related to open space, infill and mixed housing development, increasing density, transportation, and street design....

Ariel's Secret (Disney Princess Secrets)

Book DescriptionAriel kept her grotto a secret for a long time, but eventually her father learned about her special place. But Ariel has another secret–she was seen by a human on the surface long ago! Ariel reveals the exciting story of her...

Julie Anne Sadie

Calling on the Composer : A Guide to European Composer Houses and Museums

Book DescriptionAcross Europe, more than three hundred houses and museums commemorate the composers who lived and worked in them. In Calling on the Composer , two distinguished musicologists guide the musically curious traveler or...

Ben Schumaker

Astonishing Stories of a Hopeful Humanity

Book Description The stories in this book are stories of heroes. Far from receiving fame and attention, these are heroes who are rarely mentioned in the news. Some of them are verifiable people living in areas near and far, while others are simply...

David Dubal

Evenings with Horowitz : A Personal Portrait

Book DescriptionEvenings with Horowitz details a special friendship between two musicians. The book is a vivid account of their mutual passion for music and the piano. It reflects the struggles and triumphs of Vladimir Horowitz, a flaming genius who...

Mark Evans

Health and Healing : Natural Therapies for Total Well-being

Book DescriptionWith this handy book you can learn to heal your body and mind with easy-to-follow natural approaches, such as homeopathy, ayurveda, shiatsu and reflexology....

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