Rebecca Chan Allen, Rebecca Chan Allen

Guiding Change Journeys: A Synergistic Approach to Organization Transformation

Guiding Change Journeys , a title in The Practicing Organization Development Series , takes you on a cross-cultural odyssey of personal and organization transformation. Inspired by science, mythology, and real-life lessons, this hands-on...

Jerry B. Harvey

How Come Every Time I Get Stabbed in the Back My Fingerprints Are on the Knife? : And Other Meditations on Management

The role we each play in our own downfalls create the profound--and profoundly entertaining--basis for this series of linked "meditations" as the author of The Abilene Paradox takes another irreverent look at the nature of life on the...

Peter Weill, Michael Vitale

Place to Space: Migrating to Ebusiness Models

As the second wave of the e-business revolution plays out, traditional firms--not ephemeral dot-coms--will do the hard work of making e-business both viable and profitable. But while established companies no longer question why they must...

I. M. Destler, Peter J. Balint, Institute for International Economics

The New Politics of American Trade : Trade Labor and the Environment

"The New Politics of American Trade: Trade, Labor and the Environment", supplement to "American Trade Politics" by I.M. Destler and Peter J. Balint, shows how trade advocates and labor and environmental skeptics differ significantly in both their...

B. J. Reed, John W. Swain

Public Finance Administration

This book is unique in its exclusive and comprehensive focus on the management of public funds. The book emphasizes defining terms, framing concepts, and examines common controversies in the field. The authors begin with a broad introduction to...

Charles Perrings, Mark H. Williamson, Silvana Dalmazzone

The Economics of Biological Invasions

Biological invasions - the introduction of living organisms beyond their original range - are one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss. They are a major threat to human health and a source of pests and pathogens in the world's farms, forests and...

Virginia?Ferrell Andersen

Digital Recall: Computers Aren't the Only Ones With Memory

Based on the author’s 50 years of experience, this book relates a wide variety of down-to-earth, first-hand and often humorous personal encounters with computers. An additional and unique, though by no means secondary, focus is on the shifting...

David Joseph Morris

Market Power and Business Strategy

Dr. Morris argues that through its Western mode of thought, a philosophy of separation, the U.S. is losing its edge in worldwide business competition. "Separating" is "pluralistic," says Morris, while the Eastern mode of thought is "unitary"--it...

Melinda Kramer, Glen Leggett, C. David Mead

Prentice Hall Handbook for Writers (12th Edition)

This book has always been known for being comprehensive yet concise....and still is. Major revision puts writing process first, 50% new exercises and examples, new supplements package. Available in paper and cloth....

Alexander Laufer, Edward J. Hoffman

Project Management Success Stories: Lessons of Project Leadership

"This is the project management book I've been waiting a decade for! . . . The new world is the Project World, and this book gloriously shows the way."-Tom Peters How to get beyond the formulas and succeed in real-world project...

Mark Rowh, Mark Rowh

Careers for Crafty People & Other Dexterous Types (Careers for You Series)

Careers for Crafty People and Other Dexterous Types lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living--including many...

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Бальзак. Бальзак. Собрание сочинений в пятнадцати томах. Cari McKnight. Akhkharu: House of the Vampire Хозяин острова О'Киф. Берт Ланкастер Праздник в доме. Праздники бывают в каждом доме: день Петр Проскурин. Петр Проскурин. Собрание Легенды бизнеса, или Как стать богатым. Краткие Нигма В. С. Нерсесянц. Сократ Свод нормативно - правовых актов единого муниципального образования "город Норильск" О. В. Казакова, Н. А. Сбоева, Н. И. Гаврилкина. Linda Brock. Designing the Exterior Wall: An Architectural Guide Tommaso Campanella. The City of the Sun Новая поэзия Китая. В сборник "Новая поэзия Майкл Кьюб-МакДоуэлл. Star Wars. Кризис Черного флота. Перед бурей Ross Zucker. Democratic Distributive Justice МСН Чат John R. Hill, George Pruitt, Lundy Hill. Никита Филатов. Мышеловка Почта Яхо Ю. С. Другов, И. Г. Зенкевич, А. А. Родин. Газохроматографическая
Грозный, Петрозаводск, Нальчик, Димитровград, НижнийНовгород, Рыбинск, Якутск, Глазов, Златоуст, Дербент, Владикавказ, Копейск, Камышин, Миасс, Владивосток, Тюмень, Жуковский, Грозный, Новокуйбышевск, Ижевск, СергиевПосад,
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