Annemarie Schimmel

The Empire of the Great Mughals : History, Art and Culture

Book Description The Mughal Empire was the most powerful Islamic empire in the history of India, and it has lived for centuries in the Western imagination as a wonderland of unimaginable treasures, symbolized most clearly by the breathtaking...

World of Theatre 2003

Book DescriptionThe latest edition of World of Theatre offers a close-up view of the most significant productions and theatre trends in over 60 countries. Covering the past three seasons, from 1999/2000 to 2001/2, the fully illustrated volume...

С. Л. Кузьмин, И. В. Маслова

Земноводные российского Дальнего Востока

Обобщены все имеющиеся данные о земноводных, обитающих на Дальнем Востоке России в рамках Приморского и Хабаровского краев, Амурской, Читинской, Магаданской, Камчатской и Сахалинской областей, Еврейской автономной области, Агинского Бурятского,...

Gaynel Gunderson

Love, Hope, Faith : A Personal Journey Through Cancer

Book Description ?He was my big brother, and I was his little sister. That says it all.? Gaynel Gunderson and her brother Neil were typical sister and brother. They experienced their share of sibling angst but remained steadfast...

Morris Gleitzman

Toad Rage

Book DescriptionLimpy’s family reckons humans don’t hate cane toads, but Limpy knows otherwise. He’s spotted the signs: the cross looks, the unkind comments, the way they squash cane toads with their cars. Limpy is desperate to...

Margie Palatini

Sweet Tooth

Book Description Lots of kids have a sweet tooth. But not like Stewart's. His very loud sweet tooth wants what it wants, when it wants it...and lets everyone know about it. Stewart's sweet tooth screams for cake at weddings, for candy during...

Trinka Hakes Noble

Jimmy's Boa and the Bungee Jump Slam Dunk (Jimmy's Boa Adventures)

Book DescriptionThere's nothing ordinary about basketball practice when Meggie and her friends are involved, especially after Miss Peachtree takes over the gym for her dance lessons. When Jimmy refuses to dance with anybody but his pet boa...

Melissa Simpson

Flannery O'Connor : A Biography (Greenwood Biographies)

Book DescriptionDespite her early death from lupus at 39, Flannery O'Connor has left a remarkable literary legacy. Written for high school students and undergraduates, this biography is a concise, accessible overview of O'Connor's life and...

Chris Eaton

The Inactivist

Book DescriptionSet in the future where buying advertising space on children's teeth is not uncommon, this book is the story of Kitchen, a guy who's given up trying....

Jory Simms

Welcome To Where? #1 (Darcy's Wild Life)

Book DescriptionDarcy Fields can?t understand why her mother would want to move to the middle of nowhere?there?s no nail salon, no yoga studio, and no Rodeo Drive! But her mom isn?t going to change her mind, so Darcy will just...

Richard F. Hogue

We Were the Third Herd

Book DescriptionThe true-life story of a young man who served in combat during America's most controversal war - Vietnam. You will meet the men with whom he served and laugh at the fun times they had while you will later cry when you read how 14 of...

<<<  Игорь Винниченко. Новогодний кошмар             Джеймс Ф.Д.. Тайна Найтингейла >>>

Фото Carl Pritchard. The Project Management Communications Toolkit (Artech VAUGHAN, SARAH. SNOWBOUND/THE LONELY HOURS. С. П. Цуканова, Л. Л. Бетц. Учим ребенка говорить и читать. КМ Часть и целое. Развивающая игра. Игра развивает М. П. Шерстнев. Кто правит нами: психология управленцев Ruth Carter. Amway Motivational Organizations: П. Д. Павленок, Е. В. Куканова. Основы социологии Natasha Josefowitz. You're the Boss Jerold Panas. Wit, Wisdom & Moxie: A Fundraiser's Апорт Русское радио Р. Райт-Ковалева. Роберт Бернс Народ.ру Яндекс А. С. Пушкин. Пушкин. Письма. В трех томах. Том 1 Bruce Balfour. The Digital Dead Новости К. А. Фурсов. Держава-купец
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