Michael E. Hurst

The Assimilation of Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market: Employment and Labor Force Turnover (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)

This book analyzes the labor market adjustment processes of immigrants in the United States. Newly-arrived immigrants earn less, work fewer weeks, and have higher rates of unemployment than native-born workers. After a period of assimilation,...

Michael A. Pompeii, Michael A. Pompeii

Become A Home Inspector!

This is a concise guide to starting up and operating a successful Home Inspection business without spending a lot of money. Many Home Inspectors are now earning $500 to $800 per day, and a pro shows how you can, too. This book focuses on a...

Michael D. Zeiders

Entrepreneurship, The Art of Succeeding in Business: Business Plan Development Guide

"Entrepreneurship, The Art of Succeeding in Business" provides you with an exciting opportunity to conceptualize, plan, and start your own business. Through guided Business Plan development activities, "Entrepreneurship, The Art of Succeeding in...

Janet Thomas

The Battle in Seattle: The Story Behind and Beyond the Wto Demonstrations

Between 40,000 and 60,000 people protested against the World Trade Organization's Third Ministerial on November 30, 1999. They converged on Seattle to express their concerns about the power of corporations, globalization, and the gap between...

William Peter Hamilton, Marketplace Books

The Stock Market Barometer (A Marketplace Book)

A pioneering classic in Dow Theory. "If you are a serious student of investing, you owe it to yourself to 'go back to the future' and read this book." --Charles B. Carlson, Editor of "Dow Theory Forecast". The Dow Theory is...

Michael A Smith, Michael Andrew Smith

Business-to-Business Golf : How to Swing Your Way to Business Success

Preparation is the key to a successful round of business golf and this book is your business advisor and golf pro all in one. It is packed with eighteen holes worth of insights and techniques for playing business golf and developing client...

Richard Oberuc

Dynamic Portfolio Theory and Management

An exciting new model for improved asset allocation accuracy in every market environment Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and asset allocation are the foundations on which most institutional investors base their decisions. But...

Douglas Barry

Wisdom for a Young Ceo: Incredible Letters and Inspiring Advice from Today's Business Leaders

At 14 years of age, author Douglas Barry started wondering what to do with his life. That's when this precocious teenager began writing to CEOs of major companies to seek their advice on how to reach the top of the career ladder. The honest,...

Peter Tryfos

Methods for Business Analysis and Forecasting : Text and Cases

Focusing on the principal methods for analysis and forecasting, the text is designed to fit two types of course design, the traditional approach for a technical course, or the approach frequently used in business courses. Examples, exercises,...

Holly Edmunds, Holly Edmunds

Focus Group Research Handbook

Well-conducted focus group research can determine the course of your company's future. The Focus Group Research Handbook , a comprehensive, accessible reference tool, provides all the information you'll need in order to implement a focus...

David Rosen, Caryn Mladen

Free $ for College for Dummies

Demystifies the scholarship selection process Write winning essays and get financial aid Need money for college? This simple, straightforward guide shows you how to find scholarships, grants, and other "free money" to use toward your...

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Анатолий Некрасов. Материнская любовь Из рук в руки Todd Schorr. Dreamland Virginia Woolf. The Mrs. Dalloway Reader OSM DUT. TSCH:NUTCRACKER +. Исполнитель: OSM DUT Альбом: TSCH:NUTCRACKER Билайн ЖЖ Сервантес. Дон Кихот. В двух частях. Часть 2 Погода Мегафон Walter B. Denny. Iznik: The Artistry of Ottoman Ceramics Е. С. Боровик, В. В. Еременко, А. С. Мильнер. Лекции Поиск работы Саския Норт. Клуб гурманов М. А. Шолохов. Тихий дон (аудиокнига MP3)
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