Mergent Inc.

Mergent's Handbook of Nasdaq Stocks Summer 2004 : Featuring First-Quarter Results for 2004 (Mergent's Handbook of Nasdaq Stocks)

Book Description Mergent's Handbook of NASDAQ Stocks ? offers you quick and easy access to key financial statistics on companies listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. This handbook, updated quarterly, presents market...

Thomas Brenner

Local Industrial Cluster: Existence, Emergence, and Evolution (Studies in Global Competition, V. 20)

Book DescriptionThis book takes the approach that all local economic clusters have something in common. It does this by putting specific case studies into a wider perspective....

Fred R. Myers

Painting Culture: The Making of an Aboriginal High Art (Objects/Histories)

Book DescriptionPainting Culture tells the complex story of how, over the past three decades, the acrylic "dot" paintings of central Australia were transformed into objects of international high art, eagerly sought by upcale galleries and...

Samit Basu

The Simoqin Prophecies

Book Description The Simoqin Prophecies marks the debut of an assured new voice. Written with consummate ease and brimming with wit and allusion, it is at once classic SFF and subtle spoof, featuring scantily clad centauresses, flying carpets,...

Mark Hertzberg

Wright in Racine: The Architect's Vision for One American City

Book DescriptionFrank Lloyd Wright devoted his revolutionary creativity to refining his famed Prairie style, especially in Racine, Wisconsin, called "invention city" for all the innovative products developed there. After 1900, Racine witnessed the...

Writing the Future : Progress and Evolution (Terra Nova Books)

Book DescriptionThe theory of evolution connects us to the natural world, explaining how and why we are a part of nature. The idea of progress, on the other hand, projects a destination. "If nature can supply wonderfully elegant solutions to the...

Linda Joy Singleton

Don't Die, Dragonfly (Singleton, Linda Joy. Seer, Bk. 1.)

Book DescriptionAfter getting kicked out of school and sent to live with her grandmother, Sabine Rose is determined to become a "normal" teenage girl. She hides her psychic powers from everyone, even from her grandmother Nona, who also has "the...

Elizabeth Cohen

The House on Beartown Road : A Memoir of Learning and Forgetting

Book DescriptionIn this beautiful book, Elizabeth Cohen gives us a true and moving portrait of the love and courage of a family. Elizabeth, a member of the “sandwich generation”—people caught in the middle, simultaneously...

Margo Maine

The Body Myth : Adult Women and the Pressure to be Perfect

Book DescriptionClinical psychologist Margo Maine has been successfully helping adult women overcome eating disorders and body image problems for over twenty years. In The Body Myth , she explains the toll these problems can take on...

Visiting Walt: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Walt Whitman (The Iowa Whitman Series)

Book Description Available October 2003 Poets to Come! . . . Not to-day is to justify me and answer what I am for, But you, a new brood, native, athletic, continental, greater than before known, Arouse! for you must justify...

Jules Verne

The Fur Country

Download DescriptionOn the evening of the 17th March 1859, Captain Craventy gave a fete at Fort Reliance. Our readers must not at once imagine a grand entertainment, such as a court ball, or a musical soiree with a fine orchestra. Captain...

<<<  Сабикас. Punta y tacon. Фаррука. "Фламенко: тайны забытых ...             Джеймс Ф.Д.. Тайна Найтингейла >>>

И. П. Кондрахин, Г. А. Таланов, В. В. Пак. Внутренние незаразные болезни Яндекс Открытка со свечой "С днем рождения!". С любовью и самыми светлыми Э. Г. Раков. Нанотрубки и фуллерены Яхо Рамблер Вакансии Все для мобильных телефонов Sony Eriсsson 2008. Roderick M. Kramer, Margaret A. Neale. Power and Influence in Organizations Бальзак. Бальзак. Собрание сочинений в пятнадцати томах. Erin Anderson. Outsourcing the Sales Поиск работы Мой мир
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