Garet Garrett, Bruce Ramsey

Salvos Against the New Deal

President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" plan to pull the nation out of the Great Depression has been hailed as a landmark in American history. Many people aren't aware that Roosevelt also had critics who believed there were better ways to turn the...

C. Michael Thompson, C. Michael Thompson

The Congruent Life : Following the Inward Path to Fulfilling Work and Inspired Leadership

From Dagwood to Dilbert, the past fifty years haven't seen much evolution in our attitudes toward work. Too many of us still believe that our work selves and our real selves, our professional and personal lives, are separate entities. This book is...

Lloyd C. Finch

Telephone Courtesy & Customer Service (Fifty-Minute Series.)

Give employees effective telephone skills and you will see what a powerful business tool the phone can be. Everything from voice inflection to follow-up calls is covered in this course. Understand customers' needs. Ask effective questions. Master...

Sydney Rice

Choice Points: Navigate Your Career Using the Unique PaperRoom Process

What you don't see can hurt you: Hidden habits, unexamined beliefs, and old expectations grow from strategies you've developed to survive. These "silent partners" make change difficult. You feel stuck, trapped in terminal disatisfaction, and hungry...

Robert Woollard, Aleck Ostry

Fatal Consumption: Rethinking Sustainable Development (Sustainability and the Environment Series)

Why do we claim to value sustainability while acting in an unsustainable fashion? How can we reduce our consumption drastically and move toward a sustainable social system when our society is specifically based on consumption? These two linked...

Miriam L. Campanella, Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger

EU Economic Governance and Globalization

It is through a gradual evolution, rather than by grand design, that the somewhat fragmented economic policies of the EU now appear to be heading towards a rather more robust and coherent economic governance. EU Economic Governance and Globalization...

Jay Conrad Levinson

Mastering Guerrilla Marketing: 100 Profit-Producing Insights That You Can Take to the Bank (Guerrilla Marketing)

"No one knows how to use the weapons of the trade better than industry expert Jay Levinson," said Entrepreneur magazine. And this is "the book of a lifetime" from the man whose take-no-prisoners approach has revolutionized small-business marketing...

Charles G. Davis

The Ship Model Builder's Assistant

Invaluable guide offers detailed descriptions, drawings of masting, rigging and major fittings of American clippers and packets. Also includes wealth of details on deck furniture of various types of vessels from different periods. 279 line...

Paul McFedries

Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2003 (Business Solutions)

The world of mathematical formulas and jargon in Microsoft Excel is complex and can be intimidating for even advanced computer users. Perhaps like you, a majority of users find it difficult to get the most they can out of this very valuable...

Andrew S. Glassner

Andrew Glassner's Notebook : Recreational Computer Graphics (Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling)

Andrew Glassner's computer graphics career combines renowned technical expertise with an exceptional ability to convey what he knows to professionals and hobbyists in many different fields. Reproducing and expanding almost all of his columns from...

Jerome McGann

Radiant Textuality : Literature after the World Wide Web

Jerome McGann has been at the forefront of the digital revolution in the humanities. His pioneering critical projects on the World Wide Web have redefined traditional notions about interpreting literature. In this trailblazing book, McGann...

<<<  Е. И. Соколова. Учимся считать до 20. Для детей ...             Джеймс Ф.Д.. Тайна Найтингейла >>>

Бесплатный хостинг Футбол Нигма Гогле Андрей Анисимов, Александр Сапсай. Подарок дьявола Рамблер Игры Борис Хигир. Имя и здоровье Агния Барто. Мы с Тамарой Salvador Dali. Sebastian's Arrows : Letters and Mementos Л. Л. Босова, Т. Н. Чемова, В. С. Савельева, А. Ю. Босова. Анна Гавальда. Я ее любил. Я его любила Рамблер Бесплатный хостинг Конференция
Иркутск, Питер, Владикавказ, Новокуйбышевск, Нальчик, Челябинск, Октябрьский, Королёв, Йошкар-Ола, Барнаул, Москва, Иваново, Владимир, Нижнекамск,
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