Paula Nuttall

From Flanders to Florence : The Impact of Netherlandish Painting, 1400-1500

Book DescriptionThis innovative book presents a fresh view of fifteenth-century Netherlandish art and the significance of its contributions to contemporary Italian art, notably in such areas as oil painting, landscape, and portraiture. Focusing on...

Michelle Perkins

The Practical Guide to Digital Imaging: Mastering the Terms, Technologies, and Techniques

This thorough guide to digital photography provides instructions for every step of making photographs with a digital camera, from capturing an image to producing beautiful prints. Hints for choosing a camera, tips for evaluating images, and advanced...

Ra In-Soo

King of Hell, Vol. 8

Book Description*King of Hell is sure to please fans of sword play and sorcery *Consistent bestseller based on BookScan reports *Fast paced action and sidesplitting humor leaves fans clamoring for each successive volume! *By the illustrator of...

David Hosp

Dark Harbor

Book DescriptionScott Finn, rising star at a Boston law firm, has worked hard to pull himself out of the Charlestown projects. When the body of his co-worker and old flame, Natalie Caldwell, floats to the surface of Boston Harbor, Finn is grief...

D. Eric Franks

ACID Pro 5 Power!: The Official Guide to Sony ACID Pro 5 Software (Power!)

Book Description If you recognize all the power that ACID® Pro software has to offer for composing, recording, editing, and producing, and you want to learn more, this book is for you. With three new patent-pending technologies?Groove-Mapping?,...

Collen Dixon

Simon Says : A Novel of Intrigue, Betrayal...and Murder (Strivers Row)

Book DescriptionLIFE’S A GAME. ARE YOU READY TO PLAY? The blood rushed from Alex’s head, and his body went limp. As he passed into an abyss of darkness, the chilling final words of The Deliverer rang in his ears, words that would...

Kate McMullan

Dragon Slayers' Academy (Dragon Slayers' Academy)

Book DescriptionJoin Wiglaf and the rest of the gang at the Dragon Slayers? Academy and find out what medieval mischief they encounter! Titles include #1 The New Kid at School; #2 Revenge of the Dragon Lady; #3 Class Trip to the Cave of Doom;...

Carolyn Keene

The Bunny-Hop Hoax

THIS IS ONE HARE- RAISING MYSTERY! Nancy's friends are sad because the class hamster has gone missing. Poor Nibbles. But then Katie brings in a bunny named Bun Franklin to be the new class pet! Everyone is thrilled,...

Peihua Qiu

Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

Book Description Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis builds a bridge between the worlds of computer graphics and statistics by addressing both the connections and the differences between these two disciplines. The author provides a...

Jimmy McDonough

The Ghastly One : The Sex-Gore Netherworld of Filmmaker Andy Milligan

Book DescriptionFrom 1965 to 1988, Andy Milligan made an astounding 29 exploitation movies, including Gutter Trash, Torture Dungeon, The Ghastly Ones, Seeds, Bloodthirsty Butchers, and Fleshpot on 42nd Street. For most of the shlockmeisters,...

Б. М. Кириков


Углич - один из старейших русских городов, богатый художественными памятниками. В книгу вошли все художественные ценности, хранящиеся в Угличе, - произведения архитектуры и стенной росписи, иконописи и скульптуры, станковой живописи и...

<<<  Александр Асов. Руны славян и "Боянов гимн"             В. Б. Попов. Основы информационных и телекоммуникационных ... >>>

Зеркальные войны: Отражение первое. Валерий Николаев ("Даже не думай", Т. А. Доброхотова. Нейропсихиатрия Юрий Герман. Подполковник медицинской службы ЖЖ Маргарет Дойл, Дэвид Ламберт. Все о сексе О компьютерах Александр Прозоров. Репортаж о черном "мерседесе" Классическая музыка детям. Юность гения. Фредерик Шопен. Автор Поиск работы HANS ZIMMER (OST). THE DA VINCI CODE. Исполнитель: HANS ZIMMER (OST) Альбом:
Северск, Армавир, Железнодорожный, Кисловодск, Махачкала, Дербент, Волгодонск, Уфа, Междуреченск, Сургут, Нижневартовск, Назрань, Архангельск, Нижнекамск, Владивосток,
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